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What is Alopecia -causes - And how to treat Alopecia in dogs and cats

 What is Alopecia -causes  - And how to treat Alopecia in dogs and cats 

What is Alopecia -causes  - And how to treat Alopecia in dogs and cats

What is Alopecia -causes - And how to treat Alopecia in dogs and cats

Alopecia in dogs and cats, may be a nightmare for its owner, as it is a clear disease and is difficult to treat .

Let us know the causes and treatment of Alopecia in pets.
Alopecia in pets is one of skin problems that affect a part or an entire area in the animal's body.

Some Terms for Alpocia:

- Alopecia : Baldness, a general term that means the loss of the hair in an area where there is supposed to be more hair.

Baldness may be in some body parts or completely.

- Hypotrichosis :

Partial baldness, or hair loss in an unusual area.

- Sparse hair : disappearance or diminishing hair may be normal, or pathological.

Some body parts in pets where there is normal amount of hair l is the hair between the eye and the ear in cats.

- Glabrous skin

Part of the skin is completely devoid of hair by nature, not diseased.


Itching, which is an intense response of allergies in a certain part.

These were the most prominent veterinary terms for baldness in pets, especially dogs.

Classification of Alopecia in pet.

1. Alopecia in cats:

Baldness in cats is often related to a behavioral cause of the cats themselves.
For example ', over-grooming, or it is due to another cause.

2. Alopecia in dogs:

Often associated with an external cause.

Classification of the causes of Alopecia according to symptoms;

1. Causes that cause itching and inflammation:

Often these causes are from the outside, such as fungi, external parasites, and others.

2. Reasons that do not cause itching and inflammation.

Often these causes are from the inside.
Such as problems with the endocrine glands or problems with hair growth.
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