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CT Scan For Veterinary Use in Pets and animals - Importance and uses

CT Scan For Veterinary Use in Pets and animals - Importance and uses 

CT Scan For Veterinary Use in Pets and animals - Importance and uses

A computed tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays to produce multiple images of the inside of the body and provides cross-sectional slices to view internal organs, bones, soft tissues, and blood vessels. We use 16 slides from a GE Healthcare Brivo CT system.

Veterinarians can use a CT scan to facilitate:

★ Visualizing complex skeletons, musculoskeletal disorders, and bone tumors .
★ Diagnosing disc diseases and spinal cord compression .
★ Recognition of skull tumors ★ Evaluation of intrathoracic tumors and detection of lung metastases .
★ Evaluation of sinus and ear diseases. 
★ Planning for surgical repair of complex joints and fractures.

What are the advantages of using CT Scan in Veterinary medicine ? 

- Accurately diagnose disorders.
- Take an image of bones, soft tissues, and blood vessels at the same time.
- Painless; A quick; informative.
Ct scan for pets

Common Questions for CT Scan using for Veterinary Medicine :

How long Time does the CT Scan take?

The entire CT scan takes about 30 minutes.

Does my pet need anesthesia for a CT scan?

However, the patient must be adequately sedated to minimize any potential kinetic effects from movement during the CT scan.

Is CT Scan safe for pets

How do I prepare my pet for CT examination?

- The Pet must fast for at least 6 hours before the examination.

CT Scan vet

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