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A Very Important Life Saving Guidelines For dog Bites and scratches

A Very Important Life Saving Guidelines For dog Bites and scratches - Rabid dog 

 A Very Important Life Saving Guidelines If Someone Was Bitten or Scratched by Rabid dog or Unknown dog 

dog bites and scratches

- Knowing the measurement taken in case of dog bites or scratches is very important as theses measurement might be Life Saving especially if the dog was rapid .

- Rapid dogs can bite anything including animals and human and therefore transmitting the infectious viral agent of rabies virus .

- Rabies is A Not-Curable disease if the infection was established .

- Not all bites or scratches by dogs can transmit rabies only if the dog was infected , BUT the taken healthy procedures must be taken whatever the health condition of the dog was.

Important Healthy and prophylactic Procedures that MUST be taken In case of dog bite or scratch : 

1- First , Always refer to your Hospital in case of any injury or bite .

2- Cleaning the site of bite or scratch with water and soap .

3- disinfecting the area with alcohol or betadine .

4- Keep site of the bite as lower as possible from head .

5- Secondly , Must go to the hospital and take your Shots if needed as Prescribed by your Medical staff.

6- Please , Try not to ignore any of the shots that might be prescribed by Physicians .

7- Tetanus and anti Rabies shots are so important .

8- Antibiotic cream locally at the site of the bite or scratch .

9- Scratches also can transmit Rabies especially if the skin was broken .

10 - If the dog was rabid urgent medical health care is a necessity. 

11- Always seek medical help in case of being injuried by an animal 

Finally , as A Veterinarian , I advise anyone exposed to dog bite or scratch to take rabies shots in their prescribed timing 

Thanks to you all 

For more information about Rabies , Signs and Prevention please contact or write a Comment .

If you have any Past experience about Rabies please let us know in comments below 

By : Sheno vet 


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