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How to walk outdoor safely with your dog - 7 Indispensable Tips for Keeping your dog safe outdoor

 How to walk outdoor safely with your dog - Keeping your dog safe outdoor 

How to walk outdoor safely with your dog
Image credits :  Creazilla

Taking your dog for a walk is very important for your dog health , this makes your dog feel more happy and healthy , as well as it is a very good way for relaxation for you both .

Many infectious diseases can be transmitted easily with just contact with other street dogs or even animals , also some infectious agents can be transmitted from foreign objects as eating something in the street that is not healthy or contaminated .

So it is very important ti think about your dog healthy while being outside with your dog .

Here are 7 important tips that you shouldo to keep your dog safe while being Outdoors :

1- Vaccination : Always make sure your dog is taking his necessary vaccines regularly.

Ask your Vet whether your dog is missing any of his health Necessary live protecting vaccines .

2- Be Ready for Emergency : While preparing for a walk with your dog , prepare first some important helping first aids as : Alcohol or any Wound disinfectant , Cotton or Gauze ,Medical plasters ,Bandage ,Gloves and some of safety pins .

These small things are indispensable while thinking of being out with your dog .

Just Remember , Be ready for any urgent sudden injury .

3- Training,training and training : Always train your dog at home .

There are many simple training orders for dogs you must train your dog for as : Sitting order , Come to you order , and No order  .

These simple orders might be life saving for your dog while being outside and remember , training your dog at home well , will greatly decrease any sudden unexpected problems while being outdoors with him .

4- Keep your Eyes on your dog always : There are many things that are allowed for your dog while many others Must be kept away or Prevented .

5- Take sufficient amount of Food and Water : Especially his lovely Foods.

And always reward your dog for obeying you .

6- Where required ,Make sure to Keep your dog leashed. 

7- Search first the place you are going with your dog before going there .

These are the Most Important and Useful Tips for you and your dog if you are thinking of taking your dog in a walk .

I wish you all are Enjoyed , always keep safe .

If you have any comments about your dog just let me know below in the comments ,


sheno farag 


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