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Pet Microchipping - Importance of Compulsory Dog Microchipping

What is A Microchip?

 Pet Microchipping - Importance of Compulsory Dog Microchipping 

Microchip in is a reliable and secure way of ensuring that your pet is permanently identified helping to protect against petty theft and to help reunite lost pets with their owners.
 The chips themselves are tiny smaller than a grain of rice and are injected under the skin typically in the scruff of the neck the procedure can cause a little discomfort but is soon forgotten and far outweighed by the long-term benefits of microchipping.
 For both pets and owners we now use the mini chip which provides a gentle experience for your pet and better reliability for the owner.

 They are thirty percent smaller than the standard chips making the process more comfortable .
As you may have heard it is compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped by April 2016 under the new regulations if an owner does not comply to these notice may be served if the owner does not microchip their dog within 21 days they may be liable to pay a fine of 500 pound the same applies if an owner does not keep chip details up to date.
 The new law states puppies are to be microchipped by the time they are meaning that the new owners must keep their details up to date the aim of this new law is to reduce the issues of stray dogs and improve trace-ability of puppies to combat puppy farming and to help reduce dog attacks by making prosecution of irresponsible owners easier.

   If your pet doesn't have a microchip already it's a really good idea to have one place because this gives them the best chance of being identified and reunited with you if they were ever to get lost or stolen if you've never seen one the microchip itself is really tiny about the size of a grain of rice and this is inserted under the skin at the back of the animal's neck.

 Normally between the shoulder blades so it's nice and easy to locate and it takes a matter of seconds to place and then it can stay in click the whole of the animal's life.
 The actual process of placing the microchip involves using a needle which has the microchip on the inside and in order for the microchip to pass through the needle, the needle itself does have to be quite wide, so unfortunately it can be a little bit uncomfortable .
We tend to distract the patient with treats how we place it which works quite well another thing to consider for younger patients is having the microchip placed whilst they're being muted we can then place the tip whilst they're under anesthetic ,so they don't know anything about it which is quite nice .
Once the chip is in place we'll register you and your pets details into an online microchip database .
Microchip inside your pet holds a unique serial numbers normal about 15 digits long it's like a specific code and if your pet were to then strain and is then found any that so rescue center and the dog wardens they use a special scanner to locate the chip under the skin the scanner will then pick up the microchips code and this code then can either be entered into the online database or we can contact the company the chip is registered with and then your details will be held there so here we can obtain your details and then we can get your pet back to you as soon as possible.
 It's really lovely when we can reunite a lost pet with its owners and there's nothing more frustrating than when we have a patient in need of treatment or just waiting to find its owners and there's no microchip that makes that possible so in the vast majority of cases a microchip is really the only way of getting your pet back to you safely.

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