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Management of Major Dairy Cattle Diseases

Management of Major Dairy Cattle Diseases

Management of Major Dairy Cattle Diseases

Effective health management is one of the important tool for profitable diary farming.
The most economically important diseases in Diary cattle are foot and mouth disease ,mastitis ,hemorrhagic septicemia anthrax ,Blackleg, brucellosis and milk fever .

Foot and Mouth Disease " FMD ":

Symptoms of Foot and Mouth Disease " FMD" : 
The main symptoms of food and mouth diseases are :
1- Fever .
2- Blisters in the mouth and on the feet.
3- Drop in milk production .
4- Weight loss .
5- Loss of appetite.
6- Quivering lips and frothing of mouth . 
7- Lameness .
8- Cows may develop blisters in teats.

Causes of foot and mouth disease :
 The disease is caused by a virus which can be transmitted through air feeding materials, direct contact to vehicles and farm equipment .

Prevention of foot and mouth disease : 
- Foot and mouth disease outbreaks are usually controlled by periodical vaccinations to build individual animal or herd immunity.
- Strict bio-security and quarantine measures are important to control the spread of the disease.

2- Mastitis :

Mastitis is inflammation of the udder of dairy cattle .

Symptoms of Mastitis :

The main symptoms of mastitis are :
- Changes in the appearance of milk such as watery flakes ,clots, blood or pus.
- Swelling ,heat ,hardness, redness or pain in the udder.
- Reduction in milk yields.
- Fever.
- Reduced feed intake and a reduction in mobility due to the pain of a swollen udder.

Causes of Mastitis :
 The main cause of mastitis are the disease is mainly caused by a bacteria which can be transmitted through unhygienic environment such as contaminated milk utensils, dirty floor ,unhygienic milker and milking machine .

Prevention of Mastitis :

Mastitis can be controlled by :
1- Strict overall hygienic environment .
2- Good milking management practices .2- Regular dipping .
3- Prompt treatment of infected animals .
4- Maintenance of records are important.
5- Treatment of infected cases with proper strong antibiotic .
6- Avoid stress factors in dairy animals .
7- Dry cow management.
8- Affected cows should be milked last.
9- Culling chronically infected cows.
10- Serological tests to identify type of the causative agent and proper treatment.

3- Hemorrhagic Septicemia :

- It is acute septicemic disease of cattle and buffaloes characterized by sudden onset of fever , respiratory distress , nasal discharge , dullness, reluctant to movement and edematous swelling in the pharyngeal region and then spread to neck.

The main symptoms of hemorrhagic septicemia are :
1- The majority of cases in cattle and Buffalo are in acute case with death occurring from 6 to 24 hours.
2- Sudden onset of high fever.
3- Salivation and nasal discharge .
4- Edematous swelling are seen in the pharyngeal region and then it spreads up to brisket .
5- Dullness and  reluctance to move.
6-Visible mucous membranes are congested and respiratory diseases occurs like dysponea ,shortness of breath etc.
7- Respiratory distress with frothing at the mouth.

Causes of Hemorrhagic Septicemia :
- These normal bacteria are normally inhabitant in nose and pharynx of animals but not causing any illness or disease when animal exposed to stress condition it cause disease by producing toxins.
Caused by bacterial infection " pasteurella infection "
 -The disease is caused by a bacteria which can be transmitted through direct contact or transmitted indirectly through contaminated water and feed .

Prevention of Hemorrhagic Septicemia :
Hemorrhagic septicemia outbreaks are usually controlled by:
- Periodic vaccination .
- Proper stress management also helps reduce the incidence


Symptoms of Anthrax :
- Sudden death (often within two or three hours of being apparently normal ) is by far the most common sign 
- After death tari colored uncluttered blood discharge from the natural orifice such as nose, ear and rectum.
Trembling and difficult breathing .
- Convulsions .

Causes of Anthrax :

The main cause of Anthrax are the disease is caused by a bacteria which can be transmitted through direct contact with infected animals or indirectly through air ,contaminated water and feed .

Prevention of Anthrax :

- To prevent anthrax it is a zoonotic disease therefore don't open the carcass of the suspected dead animal.
- Dead animal should be deeply buried with superficial disinfectant application .
- Anthrax outbreaks are usually controlled by periodical vaccinations.


 The main symptoms of blackleg are :
1- Lameness .
2- Unwillingness to move.
3 - Crepetating  sound on pressing affected part of muscle .
4- Loss of appetite .
5- Rapid breathing and fever.

Causes of Blackleg disease : 
- The main cause of Blackleg disease are the disease is caused by a bacteria " clostridium choivei "

Prevention of Blackleg disease : 

- To prevent Blackleg disease periodical vaccination before the onset of rainy season .


Symptoms of Brucellosis :
1- The main symptoms of brucellosis are:
2- Abortion .
3- Stillbirth that is that within 24 hours after calving.
4 - Weak calf born .
5- Retention of fetal membranes 
6- Signs of infection in the membranes .
7- Swollen testicles in Bulls .
8- Infection of the testicles is also seen in bulls.

  Causes  of Brucellosis: 
 The main cause of brucellosis are the disease is caused by a bacteria " Brucella spp"

Prevention and control of Brucellosis :
- To prevent brucellosis vaccinations should be done about six months of age which is called as a calfhood vaccination .
- Periodical diagnosis and culling of affected animals.


Signs of milk fever:
 The main symptoms of milk fever are:
1 - Usually milk fever occurs from 1-3 days before or after calving.
2- Recumbency on one side followed by  bilateral recumbency 
3- Cow succeeds in rising she staggers and will very soon fall.
4- The heart can be slow and arrhythmic .
5- Fever .
6- Loss of appetite.
7- Constipation .
8- Restlessness and difficulty in standing.

Causes of milk fever :
 The main causes of milk fever are mainly due to calcium deficiency during calving period.

Prevention of milk fever :
 - Treatment with calcium injected by intravenous and subcutaneous roots .
- Prober dietary management .
- Oral administration of calcium salt in gel is advised.
- Provide calcium deficiency supplementation three to four weeks before calving. 

8-Major Blood and Protozoan Diseases

The major blood and protozoan diseases like:
1- Babesiosis .
2- Thileriosis. 
3- Anaplasmosis .
4- Trypanosomiasis .
5-  Coccidiosis.

Symptoms of Blood and Protozoan Diseases:

 - The main symptoms of Babesiosis is coffee colored urine.
 - And in case of Thileriosis is swelling of lymph nodes, fever and diarrhea are the common symptoms 
- Anemia is a predominant symptom of anaplasmosis .
- Intermittent fever, anemia and weight loss are the major symptoms of trypanosomiasis .
- Coccidiosis mostly occur in calves with bloody diarrhea with straining 

Prevention of blood diseases :  
To prevent protozoan diseases:
- Prompt treatment with specific drug and effective control measures for ectoparasites are highly useful. 

9- ECT-OPARASITES  ( Lice - Ticks - Mites )

Symptoms of ectoparasites:
The main symptoms of ectoparasites like ticks lice and mites are :
1- Excitement .
2- Itching.
3- Irritation .
4- Abscesses on skin .

Causes of Ectoparasites :
The main causes of ectoparasites are :
1- Hot and humid living conditions .
2- Unclean animal and surroundings. 
3- Overcrowding and indoor housing.
4- Contact of infested animals, building and pasture.

Prevention of Ectoparasites : 
 To prevent the ectoparasites :
1- Keep the animal ,shed and surroundings clean .
2- Wash and groom the animals regularly.
3- Inspect the animals especially the hidden parts regularly and spray them as soon as lice or ticks are noticed.
4- Isolate the affected animals and treat them separately.
5- Apply sulfur mixed in coconut or peanut oil (3:1).
6- Spray the animals with insecticides at periodic intervals.
7- In serious cases inject animals with suitable preparations like ivermectin . 
8- Supplement minerals in the diet .
9- Use mechanical groomers in the housing .
10- Allow the animals for wallowing.

10- Endoparsites : ( Round worms - Tape worms - Lung worms )

- The main symptoms of endoparasites like roundworm tape worms and lung worms are :
 1- Restlessness.
2- Diarrhea .
3- Blood tinged stools. 
4- Distended abdomen .
5- Bottle jaw 

Causes of endoparasites:
The main causes of endoparasites are :
1- Unhealthy keeping conditions and malnutrition .
2- Contact with infested animal ,water supply ,pasture or fecal material .
3- Intermediate host like flies, ticks, etc also help their spread. 4- Ingestion of soil  , licking of walls , gates and infested floors.

Prevention of endoparasites :
 To prevent endoparasites  :
1- Keep the pens and promises clean and dry .
2- Remove dung and store in a compost pit at the safe distance ,composting kills the parasites and their eggs .
3- Ensure clean drinking water .
4- If grazing is practiced then maintain the grazing rotation and practice periodic burning of pastures .
5- Have a fecal sample tested in laboratory and follow recommended medication.
6- Follow the deworming schedule for young calves strictly deworm them at 2 weeks and thereafter at monthly intervals up to 6 months .
7- Deworm older calves every 3 months . Two deworming one each before and after rainy seasons are of vital significance in northern India
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