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25 real dog stories with Canine dilated cardiomyopathy dogs - In Memoriam: their stories - Part 1

Canine dilated cardiomyopathy dogs - In 

Memoriam: their stories- Part one 

These are stories of some of the dogs who were lost to Canine dilated cardiomyopathy, with a confirmed or strongly suspected dietary link. For some dogs who died quickly after diagnosis, the nutritional link cannot be "confirmed" unless they had a low blood taurine test. The nutritional link can be suspected or strongly suspected based on any known genetics and on diet history.

1- Thor Huffman, died 3/21/19. Implicated diet: Taste of the Wild:

Our English Mastiff began coughing with a wheeze sound, and it only took one X-Ray to recognize his heart was enlarged. We had the Echo/EKG today with Dr. Maggie Schuckman (Cardiologist, was a classmate of Dr. Stern) and it came back with the heart breaking news that our barely 6 year old Thor has DCM. His left ventricle is enlarged and very poorly functioning.

We switched to Diamond Naturals Grain Free Sweet Potato and Beef from Kirkland Signature about 1 to 1.5 year ago. He’s a perfect 160 pounds, energetic, with no genetic lineage for DCM in any of his bloodlines. Both parents lived well above 10+ years (mother still living).

We have sent the whole blood and plasma Taurine samples in today as well. It will take a week or so to come back. We are suspect this is the cause. I only found out about the FDA warning 3 days ago and I am devastated with this.

We also started Vetmedin, Spiralactone, Furosemide, Taurine supplements, VetriScience Cardio Canine vitamins, and a new diet of Hills Science Large Adult 6+ (has low sodium) dry and PPP SS wet entree (also low sodium) supplementing. We are adding an ACE inhibitor in a few weeks.

I feel like my brain has been punched. There’s so much to learn and so much hanging on the next 6 months. Thanks for hearing me out.

2- Jagger Zeus Wagner. Diet implicated in DCM:: Blue Buffalo
Jagger Zeus passed away this evening. He was only 7. He died of heart failure and DCM. He was on a Blue Wilderness grain free diet for the last 4 years. He was a kind spirit, a gentle 100 pound golden. He was a good boy. We will miss you our buddy. We are so sad and our hearts are broken. We are so sorry that we didn't know.

3- Sophie Fattore-Brozek. Ate Taste of the Wild before DCM
I am sorry to report the death of another dog with DCM.

Sophie, owned and loved by Alicia Butler Fattore-Brozek passed away in her sleep at home early this morning.

4- PopTart Parman. Diet implicated in DCM: Nutrisource

PopTart, a 2 yr old French Bulldog was diagnosed in July of 2018 with congestive heart failure and DCM. She was on medications and diet change. She seemed to be doing better, but died suddenly in March. It is likely that an arrhythmia caused her sudden death :(

Jenn agreed to a necropsy for PopTart in order to do everything possible to help the research on this topic.

5- Zoe Oconnor. Diet implicated in DCM Blue Buffalo:

Our Zoe was diagnosed July 4, 2018 and died March 5, 2019. We tried CPR, but we couldn’t save her. We miss her terribly

6- Wrigley McLaren. Diet implicated in DCM: Pure Balance
Wrigley our chow /Shepard mix was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy on 2/2/19. He was panting and coughing. We brought him in to vet because he was lethargic and didn’t want to eat. Our vet immediately sent us to the E.R. Blood work that night along with X-rays, echo. Our Vet was honest with us and explained the grain free diet problems. She told us he only had a few months . We went home with a ton of medics, new food and hopes of a quick turn around. He refused medics, stopped eating and just hid from us. We cried and knew it wouldn't be long. He died 5 days later. 
Our story is just like the hundreds on this site. It's heartbreaking . we miss our furry fluff big boy. We ache everyday.

7- Simba Drury, diet implicated in DCM: Merrick
Simba a Great Pyrenees was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy on 11/16/18. His heart rate was jumping to over 200 bpm. I brought him in to vets because he was lethargic and didn’t want to eat. My vet immediately sent me to emergency center. Blood-work that night along with X-rays. Next day echo-cardiogram. None good news. He had lost 7 pounds in a week. He spent 3 days in hospital. He loved his vet techs. And Vet was amazing and compassionately honest. He told me Simba only had a month or two. Sadly it was only one week. He refused medics no matter what they were in. My other dog a Husky mix has heart disease also. Both on grain free for 7 years because of skin allergies. Since putting Marley on Purina Pro Plan his energy has increased. Every day I hurt and miss my 145 pound boy and I didn’t research more. He was a beauty.

8- Trooper Poindexter, diet implicated in DCM: First Mate Kasiks:

With a sad and heavy heart I need to share that we put our beloved Trooper down..... he stopped eating and drinking over the weekend. We called the cardiologist and she said there was nothing more she could do....... DCM is awful..... we gave it our all and you did your best. You were loved.

9 - Abby Moens, lost 13 days after diagnosis. Diet before DCM: Acana

It was requested that I share Abby’s story which I felt was good to do if it will save other people’s beloved dogs.

Abby. October 9,2010 - August 4,2018.

Abby was always a happy, healthy and energetic Golden. 
Her only fault was being a fussy eater. As a puppy she was on Royal Canin food, but once she was old enough to be switched onto Royal Canin adult formula, she refused to eat it.
I tried multiple bags of different brands but she refused them all.
After five months of searching, I finally found Acana which Abby loved.
The days of being a fussy eater were over.

Once Abby turned 2.5 years old, she had OFA clearance done by a cardiologist. Everything looked normal.

Every year Abby had a health exam done and no concerns were noticed.

Abby spent her days happily running around, swimming, chasing birds and enjoying lots of attention.

Life was good. Little did I know that things would go drastically wrong.
Abby looked 100% fine, acted 100% fine and had tons of energy.

One day this past July, after coming back from a fun run, Abby gulped down water and ended up choking. 
Then it turned into a hacking cough for no apparent reason. 
This had me very concerned.

At the vet, blood work was done and everything including her kidney and liver functions came back as normal. 
Further testing revealed severe DCM and Congestive Heart Failure.
What a shock! How was that even possible?!
Blood was drawn for Taurine testing and Abby’s whole blood reading came back at 144.
As per cardiologist, several cardiac medications and Taurine supplement were immediately started as well as her food was switched to Royal Canin at the very next meal time.
In spite of being on medications and supplements, Abby passed away suddenly on August 4, 13 days after her diagnosis. 
It was a horrible death, one that I will not forget.
Abby lay on the floor with her neck stretched upwards gasping for breath, tongue hanging out, her eyes begging me to help her.
The only thing I could do was hold her and tell her many times that I was sorry and that I loved her.
That is how Abby passed away.
It is a sight and sound that I will forever see and hear.

Since my other two goldens were also on the same Acana food, I decided to have their Taurine levels tested.
They looked and acted perfectly normal but I was concerned.
Tessa’s whole blood level came back at 175 and Skye’s came back at 194.
Both goldens had an appointment with the cardiologist. 
He asked what my concern was and when I told him regarding the DCM scare, he replied “they don’t have that, it’s not a golden problem and I have done OFA clearance on your goldens.”
We then proceeded with the echos.
Within five seconds of applying the Doppler to each golden, he said, “you are right, they have DCM.”
Both goldens were diagnosed with moderate DCM.
They were immediately started on several cardiac medications and Taurine supplement.
They are both taking a total of 19 pills each a day, with the hope of reversing the damage done by the food.
We had to get into a new routine of medications and no exercise.
Even though we were in a new routine, Abby’s absence is deeply felt.

Then on October 13, Tessa suddenly became sick and went unresponsive. The vet gave her several medications and we hoped for the best even though it didn’t look very hopeful at all.
Slowly Tessa came around but it took a full nine days before she was her usual happy self.
Sad to say, her heart function decreased some more due to this incident and the vet noticed the first signs of congestive heart failure.
Both Tessa and Skye are slowly improving.
Their Taurine levels have come up to acceptable readings.
Tessa’s plasma reading at 262, done on February 26.
Skye’s plasma reading at 150, done on February 26.
Slowly their hearts are shrinking, but they still have a long ways to go before they are fully recovered.

If your dog is on grain free food with suspect ingredients, don’t think everything is fine even though they look and act healthy because looks are so deceiving until it is too late.
Get your dog tested so you can spare yourself this horrible grief and nightmare.
Educate others because knowledge is power.
Hopefully we can change things and save lives.

To be continued in more stories from real dog owners about their stories with their dogs about  Canine dilated cardiomyopathy dogs caused by Food.

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