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Canine dilated cardiomyopathy dogs - In Memoriam: their stories - Part 2

Canine dilated cardiomyopathy dogs - In Memoriam: their stories - Part 2
Hello my friends let us continue our stories .... it is very helpful to every dog owners 

10- Emmett Hamilton, diet before DCM: Taste of the Wild:

Emmett with the sweetest face <3. Emmett, owned and loved by Christel Hamilton sadly died only 16 days after diagnosis with DCM.

10- Angel Codner, died of CHF/ DCM implicated diet Nutro
Angel was a 10 1/2 yo Golden Pyrenees, healthy according to her annual visit in August but now I look back and we see different “signs” that no one caught, not even the vet, such as tiring after short walks (panting more) but it was sometimes very hot and humid outside, plus, she needed another grooming as she had very thick hair. I now remember the vet, at her appointment, taking an extra listen during exam but Angel hated the vet and her anxiety would be over the top so I am inclined to think they thought it contributed to something they heard. Angel continued to pant even after grooming and I thought it had to be the crazy Oklahoma weather and humidity and bought her a cooling pad to lay on and kept air circulating wherever she was (inside dog) then she began hacking/coughing...maybe hairball??? But then she fainted as hacking and I got her to the vet (early/mid September) and they diagnosed her with bronchitis prescribed antibiotic and prednisone. Back and forth to vet and animal hospital for breathing treatments, xrays, etc until it was obvious the meds where not helping and breathing treatments were just minor reliefs. After discussions, the hospital asked if we wanted call in a specialist and do more heart related testing, of course we did (I told them about the food her other vet put her on, Nutro Adult Lite Chicken or Nutro Senior Chicken). They did all sorts of bloodwork, had me go to vitamin store and get 1000 mg Taurine and 1000 mg L-Cartinine for Angel. Her echo showed CHF and they began lasix and heart medicine too. Angel would get a little better to only worsen within the same day. She would have some bloody noses but they said probably because of the oxygen kennel. The specialist continued to come or call to check on her and was consulting with another cardiologist at the same time to make sure there wasn’t anything she was missing. October 10th, we met the specialist at the hospital (Angel had been there for 4 days) she did another echo and bloodwork, Angel was not responding well, and wouldn’t eat. Dr Simona (specialist) explained what all was going on and said the only thing she knew, and it was not a guarantee, would be the hyperbaric chamber but we would have to transfer her and she wasn’t sure Angel would survive the transfer. I was ready to try anything!! At that time, Angel began coughing up blood and Dr Simona, tearfully, told us it was coming from her lungs. We let Angel go to her Heavenly home that day and miss her more than my heart can contain. In hopes of her coming home, I had cleaned the house spotless, was getting an air purifier for her, researching home oxygen tents and heart medics...nothing less than anyone would do for a child. To this day, ironically, I will spot a hairball here and there peaking out from under something...I breakdown and leave it.
I have a print out of all her medical and as much as Petsmart could give me concerning my purchase of her food. I kept her on the chicken flavor the majority of the time but switched up here and there to another flavor. At one point there was a shortage (?) so I had to buy another flavor then the packaging changed, which I am reading that ingredients changed, too. I am still researching all I can but everything begins to come into full view around a specific time.
BTW, her taurine levels per report are pending but I believe they were low because of Dr Simona prescribing it.
The last pic is a snapshot of her final diagnosis.

12- Rizzo Riley, died from DCM. Diet: Pure Balance
From Chelsey Riley, Sept 20, 2018 It's with a sad and broken heart I have to update everyone that has followed our Rizzo's journey that he lost his battle today. He went in his sleep some time this morning. He had been making such a great turn around and things were looking really good. He was diagnosed with DCM on 8-13-18 and he was only 22 months old.

13 - Bella Filly lost to DCM. Diet Zignature. Charlie undergoing treatment
I wanted to share my story that sadly sounds like many of your stories.
I have, well had 2 dogs Bella my rescue and Charlie both Old English Sheepdogs. I began feeding my dogs Zignature brand kibble in 2015. I started with the salmon and trout formula and switched to the Kangaroo formula in March of 2016. Bella started showing signs of gagging and heavy panting in August 2017 I contributed it to fast eating so I purchased a slow feeder for both dogs as bloat is a concern in larger breeds. September 4, 2017 I took Bella into the emergency vet with labored breathing. She was diagnosed with CHF. We immediately put her on Vetmedin and Enalapril but continued feeding them the Zignature kangaroo food. She seemed to have gotten better initially but her daily walks became shorter and the gagging as if trying to clear her airway got worse. I stopped taking her on the long walks and just took her out for a brief walk down the driveway. I knew our days were limited with her so I just wanted her comfortable with less stress like rushing to the hospital again. On April 5, 2018 I took Charlie for a walk, Bella had not been eating her usual self and I could see that her eyes were not right. I made the walk short (30 min) and when we got home Bella had passed away on her bed. We had her just under three years from rescue and somehow I felt guilty I didn’t give her the life she so deserved.
Now Charlie was diagnosed with MCT (mast cell tumor) in October of 2018 just 7 mos after Bellas death. I was not sure I wanted to remove this small lump as he was almost 11. I chose to try holistic route and joined another group that focuses on this type of cancer. When I met with this holistic vet at the end of the examination she told me .... Charlie has a heart problem, a serious one and you need to see a cardiologist. My heart sank. We met with a cardiologist in town and he was diagnosed with DCM on November 1st, 2018. I couldn’t believe I had two dogs from different litters having heart problems. So here we are.... we joined this group and it has been a blessing. Charlie is on Vetmedin and Enalapril along with Taurine supplements and will go in for a recheck in June. We did an echo early last week and the left chamber is already showing signs of improvement. We switched to RC low fat diet as he is sensitive to chicken. Charlie had no visible signs from a pet owners observation that’s why I feel it is so important to see a cardiologist if your pet has been on the BEG kibble. Thank you for reading our story and prayers to all our pets going through the same.

To be continued in more stories from real dog owners about their stories with their dogs about  Canine dilated cardiomyopathy dogs caused by Food.

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