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Parturition in Cats : How to Know and deal with

Signs of approaching birth :

ٍٍSeveral days before birth , the cat becomes very anxious

2 - Wandering a lot in the place and talked banging and deliveries and tours

3 - licking herself strongly, especially the genital opening and the area of ​​the nipples .

4 - less appetite for food or perhaps stop eating .

5 - prenatal about 12-24 hours 
body temperature beginning temporarily reduced .

6 - shout out loud especially the Siamese cat and take the female put defecation but do not be excused.

Most births are done without the need for a breeder intervention . You just watch it from a distance and  not intervene only when necessary .

Parturition is divided to 3 stages : The first stage

Prenatal stage or contractions. At this stage the cervix expands and the tendons of the pelvis are in a state of relaxation to make a widening in the pelvic area for ease of delivery process and this coincides with the contraction of the muscles of the uterus

The prenatal stage takes about 12 hours, although some females start giving birth just one hour after the onset of contractions .

During this stage the breathing rate is very fast with a high sound and trembling cat and become very anxious and look around, especially to the abdominal area, so it is necessary for the breeder at this time to be calm and speak to his cat very gently and trying to calm the horror and in the case of failure may come to a doctor Vet to use one of the sedatives .

The second stage :

The birth stage 

The fact that the cat is lying on one side or sit on her chest and extend her leg forward and at this stage contractions uterus become very severe, which results in the birth of the first cat and push it out and the cat is removed from the mother either the head or the leg and rarely occur problems during the descent of the cat from the mother . However, if the time is exceeded ten minutes since the start of the nose, head or foot and the process of birth is not completed at this moment must be intervention to help by a specialist to pull the small cat gently out

The moment the cat leaves the womb of the mother abroad, the mother begins her instinct in the practice of motherhood with her young, where the licking starts to remove the mucous membranes of them with the work of massage and massage of the body of young cats to facilitate the process of breathing and at the same time drying them with 
umbilical cord cut and if the mother failed to cut the umbilical cord , you can cut it off  and tie it.

Phase III stage of the descent of Placenta : 

After the descent of each cat directly begins to exhale the placenta own and so continue with the descent of every small until the end of the process of birth . and the cat may eat the 
placenta after birth and this does not cause any damage.

And some scientists have confirmed that the presence of a high proportion of hormones and nutrients in the placenta may be beneficial to the mother in terms of nutrition and after scientists explained that the eating the placenta by mother cat  is a instinct to keep a clean place of birth  which does not allow  growth of any harmful microbes that lead to the death of children or predators of any predatory beings .

The time taken between each cat and each other is 15-30 minutes, and varies from one female to another

The period may be longer, especially if the mother is obese or become tired from frequent cramps and so may be the period between the birth of a small one and all takes about 2-4 hours and sometimes the mother remains in a state of birth for twenty-four hours

Role of the breeder during the delivery process
The breeder does not intervene during parturition or after birth unless there is an urgent situation .

Postnatal care for cats is one of the tasks of the mother to form a relationship between the mother and the kitten , which has a great impact on the health of young cat and their growth, but there are some problems that may arise and require the intervention of the breeder immediately

Examples include this : 

Nervous and moody cat after birth

Some female cats immediately after birth are very nervous and frightened  and thus fail to perform their tasks, especially in the speed of removal of mucous membranes surrounded by the cat. This must be the educator to remove these membranes so that the young is able to breathe  and if the mother failed again to dry and clean its young,  The breeder should dry with a dry coarse towel. The drying is soft, but quickly, so as to reduce the chances of the cats becoming infected with the chorionic haemorrhage.

The educator must confirm the descent of the placenta because the retention of the membrane in the uterus leads to the occurrence of bacterial infections in the uterus, so must be reviewed and consult with a veterinarian to examine the cat if the delay of the placenta in less than 12 hours

Tight pelvic cavity of the female
Narrowing the pelvis in some females leads to the difficulty of birth, so in this case it is necessary to have a Cesarean section There are several reasons that lead to narrowing of the pelvic canal first, Lack of calcium or calcium imbalance in food, leading to problems in the process of puberty...

Second, a break in the bones of the pelvis as a result of accidents (car accidents, falls, etc.)

Umbilical Cord bleeding of young cats :
This disorders are not common, but sometimes happen when the umbilical cord cut , the umbilical cord  is very short and therefore bleeding and here the educator must tie the umbilical cord to the young bleeding by a thread and preferably be immersed in a disinfectant

The inability of cats to breathe :
Sometimes the mother does not remove the membranes surrounding the young, especially around the head, leading to choking

And the educator must quickly cut these membranes and remove them around the head and mouth and nose to accelerate the process of breathing and massage the body of the cat with a thin towel  without pressure on the cat so as not to hurt. If these steps do not succeed in helping to breathe, actually hold the cat between hands and raise it away from the body and then let it down to the ground and stops suddenly to be directed nose down and in this case, the quantity Mucus in the respiratory tract will be rushed and graduated directly and must be repeated this process two to three times.

 When necessary to call the veterinarian: 

1 - the presence of green and yellow secretions before the birth of cats and this evidence of early separation of the membrane or the presence of microbial infection in the uterus

2 - And contractions for an hour without benefit

3 - at birth and the appearance of the cat's nose or mouth, but the birth is not completed within 10 - 15 minutes

4 - the length of time between the birth of a cat and another more than three hours in some cases the birth of one or two young children and the mother is healthy this is a rare condition and does not require intervention. In contrast to the above, the mother is in a state of anxiety, discomfort and discomfort due to her inability to give birth to the rest of the cats. 
This happens a lot in the case of mothers with heavy weight Or mothers with poor health is worth attention that the veterinarian must examine the mother after birth to ensure the absence of catheters and mucous membranes within the uterus and give advice to the breeder and some doctors inject hormone leads to contractions of the uterus and helps to clean the residue and secretions after birth is the most important problem Childbirth at the time of abortion. 

Early miscarriage is rare in cats, but it can occur as a result of an accident or infection (microbes in the uterus) or the presence of a mutilated fetus or an intestines inside the uterus. 

1- Stress and rapid fatigue 
2 - Astragg
3 - diarrhea 
4 - vaginal bleeding (from the place of birth of cats and not anus) 
Contact veterinarian immediately and keep the warmth of the cat .

Rupture of the uterus :

 may get rupture as a result of an accident at the end of pregnancy or before or during direct birth. And may appear pains or severe abdominal discomfort, or may be unable to continue childbirth. If the shock hit the cat it becomes dizzy  and accelerate breathing  and expand the pupil of the eye. Contact veterinarian directly and need shock for urgent treatment only .
Keep the warmth of the cat and reassure them to talk to them gently until the arrival of the veterinarian

 Bleeding :

Bleeding is normal in some days after birth, but if the bleeding is brown or odorless, it may indicate severe inflammation or obstruction of the fetal membranes. This may indicate an internal hemorrhage and the condition is threatened by the cat's life. Keep the cat warm to prevent it from reaching the shock. In some cases small intact cats may become infected and die after a few days or weeks. You can breastfeed them by hand and severely mutilated small cats may refuse to breastfeed them. In some cases, small cats may become infected with the disease. 

The mother may not be able to produce enough milk or can not breastfeed her young children. She may refuse them after a short period of time, and small cats may be exposed to expulsion by their peers and animals. Some while surviving others can take care of small cats to secure a cat feeder or by artificial breastfeeding (Breastfeeding by any means by the breeder) 
Keep small cats orphaned and cared for the nutrition and clean it Good at first should be fed every two hours with milk compensatory special for young cats or milk Cats Lactose free. After breastfeeding, the anal should be gently washed in wet cotton with warm water and the anus is cleaned several times to encourage it to remove its litter.
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