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Fish Encyclopedia : all Fish Diseases and Management

FIRST : Parasitic diseases

    Parasitic diseases in fish account for about 80% of fish diseases in general. Therefore, parasitic diseases, both internal and external, are the most common in warm water fishes, due to the availability of plant and animal plankton and the abundance of intermediate families (snails, crustaceans, worms, etc.) in these waters. Parasites are often the main cause of serious problems in fish farms, where secondary infection is followed by bacteria, fungi or both, resulting in increased rates of infection and death in infected fish.
Many of these parasitic diseases (especially the internal ones) transmit harmful parasites to humans in their different stages of larvae or worms. We will address some of these diseases that may pose a danger to human health.

Yellow grub disease  :   

Is one of the most important and newly discovered domestic parasitic diseases in the world . Most of the free and cultured freshwater fish, especially Nile tilapia and urea, and some catfish (catfish and whites), consist of yellow or orange colored larvae of spiny worms Digenea Bipolar family) followed by the Clinostomum tilapiae family. Which may number up to 60 in a single fish and live in free or in or out of the muscle area under the gill and gill cavity in the form of grape clusters.
It is scientifically proven that these larvae resist freezing and within a certain limit as well as resistance to light salting.

Live larvae can be passed on to humans by dealing with infected fish accidentally or accidentally (children, long nails), eating fresh fish without any treatment, or non-cooked fish (bad barbecue, cold smoking, light salting). Which occur in some coastal cities may not contact the necessary temperature or salinity to eliminate these larvae, especially those within the muscles under the gill, which leads to the infection of pharynx and throat snail like disease in humans. When the diagnosis is delayed, the treatment of these cases requires surgical intervention.
Until recently, the heads of the infected fish were completely eliminated, but at present the proposal to clean the head area longitudinally, leaving it and removing the gills as an alternative health solution has been proposed.

Diphyllobothriosis : 

     Diaphylobothrim is a disease affecting freshwater fish (intermediate host) where Diphyllobothrium latum is found in fish muscles and in the viscera, especially the liver and the fetus. In humans, the disease appears as ascites and convulsions in the muscles and viscera. These tapeworms are transmitted to humans (the primary host) by eating infected fish raw or not cooked well or kept with light salts or cold smoking.
In this case, patients suffer from diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, weight loss. The presence of these worms may lead to intestinal obstruction with color palpitations and malignant anemia.

Heterophyiasis :

     Is one of the diseases that have been detected in ancient times, especially in the boris and tilapia (medial host), where the larvae of the worms (Heterophytes heterophytes) in the muscles of these fish. It causes the formation of the muscles and is transmitted to the human by eating the boury fish that are irrigated (without opening the fish and removing the viscera and cleaning it and not stripping the skin from the outside to facilitate the entry of high temperature into the fish). When these larvae enter the mectacercariae, they become adult worms inside the intestine, where the walls of the intestinal tract are destroyed and pathological signs appear in the form of chronic diarrhea and severe abdominal pain.
It is worth mentioning that the eggs of these worms migrate and settle in any of the internal organs (heart, brain causing severe infections) to the human body through the blood circulation and detect the disease in humans by isolating the eggs developed from the stool.

Capillariasis   :

     This disease in the fish causes cylindrical parasites Nematodes (nematodes) thin and long called Capillaria intestinalis. , Especially in freshwater fish and ferns have been isolated from different tilapia where they play an important role in the life of parasites as a median family.
The human is infected by eating raw fish and non-cooked well where it attacks the intestines. The most important signs of the disease in humans are the presence of chronic diarrhea, severe abdominal pain due to inflammation of the large intestine and large, in addition to the wasting of a significant loss in body weight and anemia and acute with general paleness.
When the diagnosis of the disease is delayed in the person being diagnosed by examining the faeces and detecting the eggs, larvae or adult worms, or they may all exist simultaneously and in the latter case the image takes a serious form that may lead to death.

Microrosporidiosis :

This disease affects most marine fish and freshwater fish as well as migratory fish, especially large-scale. It has been shown that the cause of this disease is many types of micro-organisms and is one of the smallest Sporozoa spores that attack the fish from the intestine to the organs and tissues preferred. It leads to the appearance of a spherical or oval, white, semi-cancerous contract of various sizes in different body tissues.
These small phygies have recently been isolated from humans in many countries of the world and need to be exposed to high techniques.

Coccidiosis disease  :

This disease is found in most freshwater fish As a result of the infection of many types of spores (sporozoa) called coccidiosis, especially the aymeria and kerptosporidium in the intestine as well as the injury of other internal organs. In recent years, one of the stages of Eimeria sardina, which lives in sardines, has been isolated from human feces, which has been a major symptom of severe diarrhea.

second : Bacterial diseases 


Erysiplothrix sp. ) 

Does not cause disease in fish, although it lives on the external mucus of live or dead freshwater fish, but it causes disease in humans and is considered a professional disease that affects fishermen, veterinarians who deal with fish, chefs and even housewives. The disease appears in humans in three forms: 
* localized skin form called erysiploid and includes fingers or hands (redness). 
The generalized skin form, 
which is a progressive stage of the previous form, is spread over larger areas of the body called in this case (measles)
 Septicemic form 
This form is considered more dangerous than its predecessors as it attacks the internal organs of the human body and reaches To the heart is often a major cause of death for about 90% of patients. 

Cholera   :

The disease occurs in humans as a result of eating fish and shellfish (shellfishes) raw or not cooked well, which may contain types of Vibrio cholera Vibrio cholera different types and is not attacking the intestines, but excrete intestinal toxins and these toxins are strongly affected by high heat . Vibrio parahaemolytica is a direct attack on the colon leading to the emergence of severe infections, especially from marine fish and psoriasis. However, they produce anemia that is not affected by the extent of the disease. High temperature. The incidence of Vibrio coli (O1) despite its danger to humans, but it does not pose a danger to fish as it represents a contaminant on the outer surface of fish and does not cause disease. The presence of these microbes reveals that the aquatic environment is polluted with sewage as this microbial passes through the contaminated fish to humans. In addition to vomiting, severe diarrhea (diarrhea in the color of rice water) is very characteristic of cases of cholera in humans as well as a severe reduction in blood pressure and the appearance of acute anemia. A third type of vibrio vulnificus, which is found in marine fish and is transmitted to humans orally or often The entry of polluted marine water through skin wounds causes serious cases of septicemia.

 Fish Mycobacteriosis

 Mycobacterium fortuitum (freshwater), 
mycobacterium marinum (in saline and fresh water as well),
 is present in fish in the form of ulcers The skin may reach the muscles exploding outward With loss of scales (if any), torsions and deformities in the vertebral column and head, the eyes are sharpened with areas with white to gray nodules in the internal organs and muscles. There is also a swelling and swelling of the posterior kidneys, as well as the whitening of the bladder in white and is often filled with a large amount of fluid with the injury of the immature and immature. Fish can be transmitted to humans by penetrating the skin (old or modern wounds) while handling fish, by cleaning fish ponds or swimming in contaminated fresh or salty water, leading to a fish handler's disease or swimming pool granuloma. The M. marinum does not cause internal infection in the human body as the internal temperature (37 ° C) kills the microbe but at the same time bears the temperature of the human limbs, which are lower in temperature. The disease also appears in the form of contractions and brown or red tumors with permanent central ulcers in areas of infection on the skin with elbow joint, knee, hands, fingers and wrist. These injuries often disappear within a few weeks without the need for treatment in healthy individuals infected with Self limiting is called unless there is a lack of human immunity (AIDS), the disease may turn into severe inflammation of the joints and the transformation into an internal infection. There is also a third type of mycobacterium chelonae, which affects the respiratory system in humans, as well as joints and bones. The shape of the contract and tumors also differ from the presence of ulcers that come out of the pus in yellowish white color, and this is also what happens in the case of M. fortuitum. 

Motile Aeromonas Septicemia

 There are some bacterial diseases that affect the fish with septicemia, including those caused by the aeromonas hydrophila, which is the main cause of the disease, which is transmitted to humans, leading to some cases of food poisoning and inflammation. Stomach and intestines by eating it and this applies perfectly to eating raw or incomplete fish cooking, barbecue, cold smoking or dealing with it without getting rid of the viscera. These microbes may also cause inflammation of the membrane surrounding the brain in children. In some cases, these microbes have also been isolated from skin injuries from fishermen and housewives. These pathogenic microbes may also be transmitted to humans through wounds or abrasions in the human body, especially hands, This point includes both Treats fish such as fishermen, housewives, chefs, veterinarians and fish industry contacts. These microbes may also be transmitted by wounds and injuries that may be caused by some fish (through fins and crusts), especially the hands, leading to swelling and redness (an acyploid-like disease). This is done during the cleaning or inspection of some fish such as catfish (white, squid, shale, fenugreek, etc.) and large tilapia fish, which are characterized by the presence of strong fins with large thorns so care must be taken when dealing with them as these thorns may Carry multiple microbes. 

Streptococcosis  :

Streptococcosis affects the bovine microorganism. There are many types of fish that have been isolated in some Arab countries (most of the freshwater and marine fish are cultured and free. The infected fish appear to be inert with the accumulation of mucous fluids within the intestines, as well as the enlargement of the liver and kidneys. The human microbial is transmitted by mouth or by old or new wounds caused by fish fins or crusts. The disease also appears in the form of high temperature accompanied by knee pain, excessive sweat, blood poisoning and general arthritis. The pathogen may develop into the heart or brain . 


Eliminating all internal organs (viscera) 
* Disposal of fish heads 
* Cooling and rapid freezing according to the quality of the fish (greasy or non-greasy) 
* Care to deal with fish when sorting, cleaning or veterinary detection. 
• Cold smoking in the treatment of fish 
• Not eating fish liver 
• It is recommended to wear leather or plastic gloves to protect against the transfer of some microbes through old wounds or new wounds 
• Cook well cooked fish and do not use light salts or barbecue in the presence of viscera. 
• Develop health awareness programs for the whole year Yen in fish through education necessary to demonstrate the methods of infection and prevention?
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