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Pigeons Encyclopedia : all pigeons diseases , more information , causes , diagnosis and treatment

The most important diseases of the Pigeons and methods of treatment  

1 - Paramyxovirosis :

Definition and incidence of the disease:

Is a viral disease that may occur epidemically as in the Federal Germany in 1982 and this virus is linked to the disease of plague of pigeons, the virus is transmitted directly from one bird to another or through contaminated dust, which is transmitted by insects or mammals or even about The Way of Man.

Diagnosis of the disease:

Increase drinking water
Symptoms may appear neurological and paralysis
Water Desalination
Curvature of the neck and appearance of torsional movements of the body
It takes an abnormal position when moving it

Treatment :

Isolation of the infected bird Liviferm bag is given in 2 liters of water or capsule
Infected birds are given water in large vessels so they can drink
Birds with neurological symptoms are fed alone
Prevents free flight .

Prevention :

Give special vitamins B-Complex and mineral salts in drinking water
Give Liviferm by drinking water
Treatment of any concomitant disease may be present in birds such as Salmonella, Trichomonas, Coccidia, Worms and others.

2 - Salmonellosis disease

Definition and incidence of the disease:

Is a bacterial disease caused by bacteria Salmonella and is known as parathyroid disease or paralysis of wings or paralysis of legs depends on the affected member of the body of the bird affects the disease other birds and mammals and some of the few cases in humans. Infection occurs through contaminated food as it is caused by inhalation of contaminated dust and also in the fetus caused by a contaminated mosquito .

Diagnosis of the disease:

Diarrhea with paraplegia or legs should alert the pigeon breeders to the presence of the disease.

Treatment :

Before starting the treatment process, first get rid of infected ones as  such birds will remain infected and the source of infection of new pigeons .
 Health care plays a major role in all prevention measures against the disease. The appropriate drug should bt chosen carefully after sensitivity test to determine effectivness of the treatmnent.

Prevention :

Limited preventive measures must include the following criteria:

Valid birds of Salmonella should be examined in autumn and spring (bacteriological examination of faeces).
After the treatment process, the stool test should be repeated in the affected herd to determine the birds carrying the microbial. If the microbe is found in the collected faecal samples, a solitary examination of all the pigeons in this group should be performed to determine which pigeon carrying the microbial is isolated or treated or completely removed.
The purchased birds are treated immediately with one capsule or two capsules of Furagolidon-plus daily for 6 days to avoid infection of the existing birds and to treat any infection in the purchased pigeons.

3 - Pox disease

Pigeon  Pox 
Infectious disease affects the pigeons and is frequent, especially in the summer during the months of June - September, and affects mainly the small pigeons, where it shows blisters and grains in the areas of the body and the most affected areas are beak, nose, eye circumference, neck, .
This disease causes other complications for the sick pigeons if neglected treatment as the birds are exposed to other diseases more serious and difficult to treat.
In the early stages of the disease, a substance such as cheese clogged the entrance to the mouth, which is similar to a cuckoo disease. However, in the case of pigeon pox, the lactic fluid resulting from the pox infection does not reach the throat but covers the beak The opposite of what happens to the violin.
Pox infection is transmitted by mosquitoes, which spread during the summer days, where insects attack any exposed part of the pigeon's body.
The virus is spread by hands and clothing and must be washed quickly after taking the pigeon, and it is obvious that all the tools in the dwelling are permanently disinfected. The disease is not infectious to humans and other mammalian animals.

The disease caused by a virus called Borrelia enter the body of the bird via the skin or mucous membrane of the mouth. Pimples turn into solid brown granular growths, and when pox strikes, the pigeon's legs cause the rickets.

Methods of treatment:

- Treatment can be done using iodine, where the scales are carefully removed so as not to bleed.
- The sick birds should be isolated from mixing with the other pigeon so as not to spread the infection.
- Treatment can be done using silver protein paint.
Prevention is better than cure:
The pigeons are vaccinated with pox vaccine when the young have been completed. Feathers give a strong immunity against the disease and prefer vaccination in July and August.
As for the large pigeons, it is ok to be vaccinated with an active dose of pox vaccine every three years, although there is no fear that the big pigeons will get smallpox.
Another vaccine:
Some breeders use a weakened viral vaccine, which is used for pigeons more than two months old, and can be used at any time of the year.
Method of use: Dissolve the contents of the solution, and then remove some feathers gently from the skin surface of the outer thigh skin, and then dip a small brush jagged in the vaccine and rub the skin in the place of feathers in the direction against the feather plant.

Notes on this vaccine:

- The vaccine gives immunity for 6 months and re-vaccination is recommended.
- In the case of the use of the vaccine and after vaccination see the presence of blisters in the skin yellow and if not appear must be re-vaccination.
- This vaccine is kept at a temperature of minus 20 ° C for five years and more without effect. (Vaccine must be frozen)
- After the vaccine has been dissolved and used, it should not be used again after two hours of placing it in the snow.
- a very small box about 1 gram is dissolved in 35 cm 3 of sterile salt solution enough to be vaccinated I am reminded of this vaccine because it has been tested in the pigeons house more than once .. But do not tend to it so much as the process is tired and needs careful follow-up of cases, knowing that the vaccine package sold about $ 3
Remove the pimples from the body of the bird so as not to cause severe bleeding.
 - In the case of an injury inside the pharynx should help the bird to try to remove the substance from the pharynx so that he can eat and breathe as much as possible. 
- If infected smallpox Tyork ensure that the disease will continue for another 3-4 weeks, Therefore, it is recommended to nourish properly, as it contributes to providing the pigeons with the necessary energy for immunity and do not forget The use of vitamins in drinking water is not recommended. 
- It is not recommended to allow the sick pigeons to fly outside the dwelling.
- It is not recommended to use pigeons water at all. - Do not provide the pigeons calcium (salt, gravel) and therefore we always advise the importance of not be the pigeons floor of sand .
- It is important to use Insecticides for the elimination of mosquitoes and other flying insects, knowing that the pigeons on the farm is infected with pox more than the house pigeons because of the presence of mosquitoes and insects in large farms and swamps surrounding. 
The best way to follow now to treat pox in the pigeons is to leave the pigeons and without any inconvenience or Absolutely touching. 
And with the passage of time will return to normal .. To be fed fully ... And not to have smallpox inside the throat, causing him shortness of breath or the ability to eat.

4 - Orinthosis disease:

A disease common among parrots and called a parrot fever.
 The disease may be transmitted to the breeder and take the same symptoms of influenza. 

Signs of the disease :

Pigeons infected with this disease have respiratory problems with a cold and may drop liquids from one eye or both eyes with the occurrence of inflammation in the eye and when the treatment neglect the pigeon becomes blind and acute diarrhea and death 

 Treatment :

This disease can be successfully treated Antibiotic known as Oxytetracycline 

5 - One eye disease 

This disease affects the pigeon without other birds, which is not affecting the eye itself, but the area around the eye, which causes the injured bird to try to spray the inflamed area. 

Symptoms :

 Water coming down from the eye and become a layer of dark and it affects only one eye and accompanied by decrease in the appetite . 

Treatment :

The infected  birds are traeted with potassium permanganate in drinking water until the color of the water turns purple, with two to three points of the whale liver oil in the injured bird's throat every 3 days until it is cured. 

6 - E. coli disease: 

Other than Symptoms of varicose veins Symptoms of varicose veins 

Symptoms :

of a variety of symptoms, where there is a liquid brown color many in the nests of birds and may die small chicks that do not exceed the age of 0 days 

Treatment : 

drink colimycine and continue treatment for five days 

7 - Internal parasitic :

 1 - Paraitic ulcers :
 ulcers of this disease has  many manifestations and symptoms similar to the disease of pox and there are 3 pictures of distinctive ulcers:
 A - pharynx : affect the larynx 
 B - the second affects the liver without other members of the body 
C - the third affects the young pigeons,

Signs of the disease :

 1-The presence of a phlegm in the throat with a liquid that has a yellow cheese texture covering the upper part of the pharynx and has a bad smell 

2 - There is an ulcer in the navel where the umbilicus is large in size and has a solid mass resembling the abscess. 
3 - Green diarrhea Color and congestion of the inner part of the throat, which becomes the color of violet 

 Treatment :

1 - Uses  Dimetridazol : add 5 g per liter of water in the summer and 1 g per liter of winter water of Dimetridazol 40% for five days and then the dose is halved for another 8 days

2 - The ulcer or the affected area is painted with an ointment  composed of three parts, glycerin and one part of iodine. 

8. Coccidiosis 

Coccidiosis is considered a deadly disease of the pigeon.
The disease occurs when the parasite type Eimeria columbarum is spread. 
It affects individuals, especially the small ones.

Symptoms :

 The symptoms are water diarrhea, wasting with feather loss, And may lead to death.

Treatment :
When infection occurs you had to  clean the ground with disinfectants containing Iodophor for two consecutive days. Some studies showed that  the pigeon  acquires immunity against the disease after the first infection.
Treat infected birds by giving them Sulphaquinoxaline and sulphamethadine

9- Worms infestation in Pigeons :

 The worms can be seen in the glaucoma of the pigeon. The eggs of these worms come out with the glaucoma of the pigeon. The eggs cause the disease only after a period of a week. When these eggs reach the bird's stomach, the eggs hatch and exits.
Worm then grow within the body of the bird within 3 weeks.


 confined to the infected pigeons becomes isolated and not being able to fly.

Treatment :

Treatment using parabenzin coats where the drug is added in drinking water. 

10 - Nematode : 

Nematodes worms cause more dangers than roundworm because they live inside the stomach and intestine.

Treatment : 

Nematode worms can be easily eliminated by the use of a drug called Methyridine and Ievamisole 8% may be used in doses of 2 cm 3 / L in summer, , And 3 cm 3 / liter winter water for 63 hours.
 Also the ground must be cleared for 42 hours after the use of treatment.

11- Fungus infection :

Caused by  fungus Aspergillus fumigatus where it is spread  in the respiratory channels and lung.

Symptoms :

 Symptoms appear in the form of yellowish spots lead to disability to breathe.

Treatment :

Treatment is done by use of tetracycline to eliminate the pathogens. And removing the rotten grains and straw with disinfecting the barns using a fungicide. 

12- External parasites. 

The pigeon is exposed to many of the parasites. Some may not cause many problems, but others, such as lice, can cause anemia.

 1- Mites: an insect can not be seen with the naked eye, except for red mites, and there are three types of moths :
 first attacks the feathers of the pigeons and the feathers after a period of time in rot and fall
 and the second type attacks feathers tubes.
 The third type is the machete of the calf, which does not attack the pigeons very much. This type of mite is made from the hoofs, so the larvae come out of their place and protrusions occur. 

The red mites are very small and the most parasites are exciting. The gray color is gray and lives in the walls of the barn throughout the day and at night leaves the walls and attacks the pigeons where it begins to absorb the blood of the pigeons very greedy and then turn from gray to red and uses malathion to treat birds and earth and wall workshops 

2 - Lice: 

It is quite large where it can be seen with the naked eye. When the pigeon wing is infected with lice, it is easy to see the lice as black spots in the wide soft part of the wing feather and feed the lice on the feather dust and dead skin peel.
The treatment is sprinkled with an insecticide.

3- Fly pigeons:

They are smaller than domestic flies and when you hold the pigeon in an attempt to catch the flies, the flies move quickly between the feathers and in fear it escapes away and the egg flies quickly turns to black and is under the straw as well as under the nutrients and in the corners of the floor and feeds flies on pigeon blood and when there are large numbers Of the flies leads to the weakness of the pigeons and it leads to the concern of the pigeons and not feel comfortable and the method of resistance is to spray the pesticide diazinon or malathion and spray after 3-4 months.
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