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Cat Flu | Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Cat Flu

Cat Flu | Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Cat Flu 

Treatment of Cat Flu  at home

What is Cats Flu? 

Cat Flu are the common name given to the viral infection in the upper respiratory tract of cats, a common disease in cats. Although the disease is not serious to adult cats, it can cause the death of older cats or those with immune problems. 
The flu causes two types of viruses (FHV-1) or (FCV) The first type is called herpes virus, which is the most dangerous as it may affect the membranes of the eyes and the lining of the nose, phlegm, sinuses and throat and cause a lot of damage to the cat.

Cat flu is generally a very contagious disease and can spread very quickly among cats, so the infected cat should be isolated from the rest. The cat should be shown directly to the veterinarian as there are several types of flu and sometimes there are diseases that affect the respiratory system of the cat, which is similar to symptoms of ordinary flu

Diagnosis :
Clinical symptoms " sneezing , watery liquids from the nose, respiratory symptoms and fever "

Treatment :
treatment of the clinical signs 
anti biotic and antipyretic to relief high temerature
supportive treatment of cat  with vitamins and minerals espically vitamin c 
use bronchodialtor drugs 
mucus solvent 

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