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Fungal Disease of the Skin in Cats : Types, Causes, Diagnosis and treatment

Skin diseases that affect cats: types ,causes and methods of treatment :

Fungal skin diseases in Cats

One of the most famous skin diseases in cats is caused by Fungus infections 

The fungal skin diseases in cats may make the owner afraid of cats especially it might transmits the diseases 

But not long - haired cats are only introduced to fungus infection but are active for fungi than other short haired cats 

This is because of sweating ... ... Yes sweating

   The Shirazi cats produce a large amount of sweat, relatively larger than the catfish.

Dark place + wet + bacteria = fungi without a doubt

Short - haired cats probably do not know they have been infected with fungus until they infect and end up very quickly

But there are other helpful factors which are the nature of the fungi itself
Fungi active in places that do not reach the sun and special clothing and woolen carpets where humidity is higher than other places 

And the increase in  intensity of winter from the summer, in summer, there is a deadly sun for any type of bacteria outside

But in the winter (the windows) is closed the atmosphere warm inside from the outside, the atmosphere is a suitable place to activate the fungus as it depends mainly in summer on fermentation so causing delayed activity for the next winter, and when the winter  begins its session and as the spring approached weakened until the summer disappeared and returned to its places and because many of us do not have sun winter is therefore active in winter and in cats whose immunity is weak first, second the more sweeter cats" excessive hairs ". 

More active or just the opposite, the active cat sweats a lot like a sleeping cat on wool

Symptoms :

The first stage


1- Itching madly :Feel the cat would be cutting the skin itself.
And may cause the same wounds to be injured again - after the itching starts in the second stage
They are light bees in the hair with a presence of white-colored peels with luminous skin.

2- The second phase : 
- then hair falls completely in that area left
Turning the scales to white or black color
The cat turns in that stage like a madman and the itching in the region is hysterical.
Without realizing it, his nails may clog the skin, leaving an active wound .
whole  activity of bacteria in the wiunded part begins
- Turning black crusts
It turns darker and the skin becomes dark pink
Because of the constant spraying of the cat with fungi and its bacterial activity

3- third stage : 
- Black peels appears again.
The skin is found to recover with slight hair growth
The fungi are reduced to the limbs of the injured place and here is the danger.
At this stage, the fungus is most active to infect  another place

4- The fourth stage
- Start healing
You find hair, but you can not see the skin and find where it is
The hair did not sprout
Turned to a pinkish light color
And we criticize then but breathe and hope that the salvation of full recovery very close
The cat is then taken from 3 weeks to 1 month to bring the hair to its normal level but in that stage you have to do these things :

- Give your cat liver oil whale either grain or drink it at a rate of daily pills if cat  love that pills or give it as a drink as  2ml a day for a week to increase the speed of growth
And the second week we give it once every 3 days
And continue until hair reaches normal growth and what it was before.

Important questions?

Will the hair grow after the fungus ?Yes will grow after 3 to 4 weeks
You will not remember if he had been hit by fungus

Will the fungi return to my pet ?Unfortunately, yes, but there are protective things to avoid again .

Anything the cat  was sleeping in , Keep it away from cats or family members .
When the sun rises, wash it and rinse it with a strong disinfectant
Then rinse it again with chlorine and then put it in the sun for a period of not less than 3 days and those who protect it and, God willing, comes as a result
Second, the furnishings that do not wash
(From a set of sofas and carpets)Put warm water for each cup of hot water and half a cup full of white vinegar and wipe the places completely and then let it go down and then put lukewarm water with chlorine for colored furniture .
And chlorine is normal if it was white and wipe it once again and do not forget  wiping all the floors once vinegar and time with chlorine and water and quantity (a lot of it) with the purifier of course

Of course, one day with vinegar and another with chlorine and another with disinfectant and so on
Until the cat is completely cured and the appearance of hair
In proportion to his mind finger and not shorter than that

Is the fungus contagious ?
Yes, it is assigned to you and to the cat  according to the strength of immunity.

You can increase immunity by giving vitamin D and B to all
So that the skin in the most time of his immunity .

Do mushrooms take all those stages in order ?

Unfortunately some cats do not start with it fast, some are slow and some are from the third stage
We therefore recommend weekly disclosure of cats hair to avoid their occurrence and to treat it early .

Treatment of fungal hair infections : 
  I will not lie to you the fungus goes on in treatment ,Some cats are similar to heal after a month and a half and some after two months and others respond quickly .
We care very diverse food in that period and all kinds of vegetables and protein
We also advise you to give your cat intensive vitamins  2 ml each (3 days)

The fungi are not internal, but are external to the skin
- First, we wash the area with sulfur sulfide
- Repeat and wash the area only and concentrate on the surrounding areas
- Then dry the cat very well
- Then put the Betadine " wide used skin disinfectant "  on it and let it dry completely
- Then after the dryness of the Betadin we put the cream of Daktarin " anti fungal cream " cream or Miconazole Nitrate 20 mg / g
- Then leave it to drink the skin completely
- Then put the pterin ointment . 
- also there is an Anaflex powder for fungus

These are used in times when we do not put the treatment (meaning used every little and many) is a powerful anti-bacterial and fungal mass .
This powder kills bacteria and fungi
- As well as the skin is stimulated to fight the infection and at the same time a vital antibiotic. It is possible to dispense with all this and use the soap, in addition to the family, Dermatin, which consists of lotion / ointment / antibiotic powder, all of which are fungus. We have reached the stage of healing with you. Of course there are those who prescribe shampoo in the treatment of fungus but it does not work because the shampoo and its special peel removes the entire layer of the scalp we want to strengthen the skin and not weaken it 

DR/ shenouda
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