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Rabies : Signs, diagnosis, Treatment and Diagnosis

What is RABIES ?

        The disease is caused by a type viruses, and is one of the most dangerous diseases common to humans and animals, where the disease attacks the brain and nervous system causing rapid death.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there are about 4 million human bite cases per year by dogs, cats and others. And that there are more than 30,000 deaths from the disease worldwide annually.

Which animals could be affected ? 

   The disease affects all warm-blooded animals, especially carnivores such as dogs, cats, foxes and wolves, as well as herbivores such as sheep, camels and horses.

What is the pathogen of the disease, and where does the body live?
   The dog's virus is preferable to the nervous system and is found in the tissues as there is salivary glands in the saliva of the injured and lived in tears, urine and milk, but there is no blood.

The sensitive virus dies rapidly when exposed to environmental conditions such as direct sunlight, light, and heat.

The virus is easily killed in disinfectants as well as boiling or heating for half an hour at 58 ° C.

How human  get infected?

   It has been shown that the virus is present in the saliva of the infected animal before the onset of symptoms characteristic of the disease between 2 - 10 days and thus spread the infection without causing any attention to it, and transmitted infection in the following ways:

1. bite the infected animal to a healthy animal or person.

2. The seam between the saliva of the injured animal and the open wound is also the same as when any obstruction of the pharynx of the infected animal is attempted by inserting the hands with a wound or scratching.

3. Infection by eating the milk of infected animals is very rare but it is contained.

Note : 

     As we mentioned previously, the virus may be present in the saliva of infected dogs before the onset of symptoms and hence may transmit the infection without any attention to it. 

4. Infection may be transmitted to humans through the corneal grafting of the cornea by persons who have died from rabies and have not been diagnosed well.

5. Insects do not play a role in transmission.

6. Do not get infected from one person to another.

What are the symptoms of the affected  animal ?

    After infection of the animal for a period of several days and six months with an average of 3-8 weeks, one of the two forms of infection can be distinguished:

First: Furious Rabies:
1. The dog is in a state of intense agitation and irritation that infects any living organism.

2. Eats exotic things like wood and cloth

3. Spasmic pharyngitis occurs in the saliva.

4. No food or Drinks and then dis activity 

Second: Dumping Rabies:
    The animal does not show any manifestations of frenzy and notes the inability to swallow food and here is the risk when the owner of the dog trying to remove the UFO from the throat of the dog and his hands with the saliva of the infected animal. A paralysis occurs in the lower jaw followed by the rest of the body and the infected dog spends within 1-3 days.

When does the symptoms appear on the human or animal?

  The closer the bite is (the brain / spinal cord), the faster the symptoms will appear.

For example, 85% of the cases are incubation period of 2 weeks - 2 months and if the head or face in the head may appear symptoms within ten days, while if the bite is mild in the parties may extend the incubation period from weeks to months ..

What are the symptoms of the disease in humans?

1. Headache, general malaise, and slight rise in temperature.

2. Anxiety and nervousness.

3. Sensation of pain and burning around the place of bite.

4. Psychiatric disorders are anxious and nervous (such as increased movement) and characterized by a sudden and intense rush of movement.

5. The victim feels a tremor accompanying the fever.

6. Difficulty breathing and swallowing.

7. Increase in secretion of saliva.

8. Wide pupil.

9. Frequent urination.

10. Inability to withstand light or carry high sounds.

11 - painful contractions of the pharynx muscles so the patient avoids fluids and refuses to drink and fear of them, despite the intensity of thirst and thus reflected on the features of his face and movements this fear and rejection in the form of terrible panic and sudden agitation as soon as seen water and fluid.

12. As the condition progresses, the body experiences muscle cramps and violent convulsions, with periods of general relaxation. The patient may die during one of these seizures.

13. The paralysis of the muscles of the larynx extends to the muscles of the face, eye, tongue and limbs and then extends to the rest of the body muscles.

14. The case ends with death after 4-14 days.

15. The mortality rate of people with symptoms after symptoms may be as high as 100%.

How is the diagnosis?

1. The occurrence of a previous infertility.

2. Distinctive symptoms.

3. Histological examination of brain tissue "in search of bodies of Nagri bodies.

4. Fluorescent Antibody Test.

5. Isolate the virus from tissue samples (brain / salivary glands).

 Methods of prevention and control:

First: Controlling the disease in people who have already been infected:

1. Topical treatment:

Wash the wound where the bite or scratching immediately with running water and soap, then disinfect it with iodine 40-70% or 0.1% ammonium compounds. In deep wounds nitric acid is used. The wound should not be closed until it is completely cleared from the inside. The antiviral serum can be injected around and under the bite.

2. Specific antiserum injection

It should be administered directly to people who have been bitten, taking into consideration that the serum must be given before 72 hours Of the bite dose of half a cm / kg of body weight.

3. Active Immunization

The vaccine should be given to people as soon as they are bitten or even scratched by:

A dog with signs of illness.

B. A dog bites a person and is not caught.

C - dog bite a person and tunnel.

D - A dog contains tissue on the bodies of Nagri bodies.

4. Every animal bites a person:

   He must be detained by the police and the veterinary authorities under supervision for two weeks. If he remains alive and well during this period, he is released without fear of the possibility of the disease or the person in question. If the symptoms of the disease appear during this period, he is left until his condition progresses and worsens and is then executed to ensure that the disease is diagnosed well in the laboratory.

The remainder of the herd is immunized with the anti-disease vaccine and is available free of charge at branches of the Saudi Ministry of Agriculture.

5. Persons at risk of infection:

They should be given three doses of the vaccine at intervals of 5-7 days with a booster dose.

Second: Control the virus in dogs and other animals.

1. Reduce the movement of stray dogs and cats.

2. Muzzle installation for pet dogs.

3. Record dogs and arrange them with string control.

4. Health education for dog owners and any problems caused by sheltering dogs are at their own risk.

5. Veterinary stone for at least 6 months in case of suspected dogs.

6. The milk of the infected animal or the beak should be executed and not used for humans or animals.

In the case of a poor animal attacking a farm with milking animals and the possibility of some of these animals disease, so all farm animals should be placed under observation and stone with the boiling of milk produced by the farm well or his jacket, and must be careful of the presence of wounds in the hands of the cutters.

It is noted that drinking milk from an infected animal can transmit infection to a person through the wounds of the lips, mouth or gastrointestinal tract.

As for meat, the infection is transmitted to the butchers through hand wounds during slaughter or meat preparation.

Although good cooking kills the virus in meat, and digestive juices kill the virus in the stomach, making the risk of infection rare only through oral wounds or gastrointestinal tract, but due to the seriousness of the disease, the laws provide for the execution of infected animals, which appear to have symptoms of the disease clearly .

When an animal is grazed and slaughtered immediately after the infertility (within 3 days) and prior to the onset of symptoms, the place of the thorn and the surrounding parts is executed. After 3 days, the total execution of the carcass or the quarantine of the animal must be carried out 6 months.

7. Immunize dogs against the vaccine against rabies.

8. Animals imported and not fortified shall be vaccinated upon arrival and kept in veterinary quarantine for at least 45 days.

9. Work the program to resist the infected bat.

10 - Reservation of the dog sterile for two weeks under veterinary supervision to observe the emergence of symptoms on him or not .
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