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10 Things About Calves Fattening Project You May Not Have Known

Fattening calves || Calves fattening project - the most important tips suggested for its success

Fattening calves || Calves fattening project - the most important tips suggested for its success

1- Choose the type of fattening calves

A suitable breed that will respond to fattening quickly must be selected.

It is necessary to choose calves belonging to meat-producing breeds, Charolais and Limousin are among the most famous meat-producing breeds, in addition to relying on local calves crossed with these imported breeds.

2- The calves are long and the back legs are far apart and straight. These qualities enable the calves to grow the meat muscles significantly.

3- The age should be greater than 6 to 10 months if we want rapid fattening, and the reason is that calves less than 6 months old need more proteins due to the continuous growth needs of young calves.

4- The calves must also be in good health and appear vital. Some movements can be tried to avoid cheating problems that beginners fall victim to, such as:

- Bringing the finger close to the calf's eyes to observe the reaction when there is no reaction indicating the calf's nakedness.
- Watching the movement of calves as they walk to avoid the problem of lameness
- In order to avoid some fallacies such as starving calves and making them appear well in the market by experimenting with eating some herbs when giving them, calves should be bought from their owners in better farms.

5- Special features for the owner of the project

- Project success relies heavily on experience.
- You must work on studying the general atmosphere of calves farms
- Know well the times when calves are cheap and the times when they are expensive during the year to know when to buy and when to sell?!
- Synchronizing the time of purchase with the period of availability of feed at the farm
- The project must be studied, as it is the most important step in every economic project aimed at profit.

6- Feed provision

Fodder is the largest percentage of the cost of the project, it may exceed 40% after the price of calves, so work must be done to acquire it during its abundant availability in the market because of its low price.
In addition to cultivating fodder to cover a percentage of the cost of fodder through local production, especially the expensive fodder in the market, such as:
- hay
- Some grains such as barley and corn
- In addition to protein fodder, most notably dried alfalfa or some grains such as beans…

7- Health preventive measures for calves

It is one of the important things in the calves fattening project, so a set of preventive advice must be adhered to during the general course of the project, the most important of which are:

 - Prevention against internal poisonings:

It must be done during the beginning of fattening, but rather immediately upon the arrival of the calves to the barn, where treatment must be done against poisoning during the first 3 days after entering the calves and re-vaccinated after 20 days

 - Treatment of internal and external parasites:

These parasites weaken the growth of calves, and cause delayed fattening, as parasites feed on the fodder that calves eat, so it is necessary to treat with a good antiparasitic during the first week of fattening.

8- vitamins:

Use it a month before the end of fattening, or if we notice that the calves are not feeding well on the feed provided.


9- Avoid Sudden change in the ration :

- Always keep your cattle ration balanced with the appropriate amounts of roughage and concentrates , which is equal to 1:3 concentrates to roughage.

10- Always keep updated vaccinated calves program:

- Vaccination against viral,bacterial or blood diseases.

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