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Contraindicated Drugs in dogs and cats -Urgent ...These 4 Drugs can kill your dog or cat

Urgent ...These 4 Drugs can kill your dog or cat - Contraindicated Drugs in dogs and cats 
Contraindicated Drugs for dogs and cats 

If you've got a Collie or another breed that roams, you'll want to be extra careful once you give your dog any medications that aren't listed. Collie and different types of breeds have medications that are not safe for them, which we will all mention, so please visit your veterinarian  before giving any medications to your pet dog or cat. In addition, those medicines that we will talk about are intended for dogs only and not for cats or any other animal.

✨ 1- Medicines containing paracetamol or acetaminophen as (Paramol - Cital - Panadol)

These drugs cause
- Severe poisoning
- Secondary Complication is Death.

✨ 2- Aspirin: It is very toxic and has no cure, and the recovery rate is low if the animal takes the dose that causes poisoning.

✨ 3- Vitamins that contain iron: especially those that contain iron in large proportions, as the abundance of iron intake
- It causes damage to the kidneys and the liver for cats and dogs 
- cats is more sensitive
(If an alternative is not available, it can be used in the lowest possible doses)

4- Anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal analgesics of all kinds, whether injections, syrups or tablets, such as:
(Voltaren - Ketofan - Cataflam - Brufen - Diclofen - MOPC ... etc.)

It is best not to use it except for extreme necessity and under the supervision of a veterinarian and in the lowest possible doses and not to exceed three days.
The unwanted usage of these medicals can cause : 
- Damage to the liver, kidneys, stomach and digestive system in particular
It causes active ulcers in the stomach and intestines

For more information or if you have any inquiries , please write us comment her and we will answer all your questions as soon as possible.
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