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Vegetables Dogs Can or Can't Eat

Fruits and Vegetables Dogs /Cats  Can or Can't Eat

Vegetables Dogs Can or Can't Eat

1- Beets : Beets are Ok for pets , But Only to be 10 % of total pet food calories.

Beets Contains antioxidants that are very useful for pet body health.

2- Broccoli : Broccoli is very important for your pet health the same importance for human body .

Brocooli contain antioxidants and vitamin c that is essential for cells regeneration .

3- Brussels Sprouts : Very beneficial to animal health as it contains many vitamins and minerals needed for healthy body.

Cut Brussels Sprouts to small enough pieces for your pet 

4- Cabbage for pet animals : Contains vitamin c and antioxidant , Overfeeding of cabbage for dogs and cats can lead to gas accumulation .

5- Carrots : Carrots are Very Good for pet health.

Carrots contain antimicrobial potent compound and anti myco-bacterial compounds .

Source of vitamin A essential for the health of eyes and sight .

Cut Carrots to appropriate size according to your pet feeding ability.

6- Cassava Root : If cooked properly , safe for both human and pets .

Cassava Root contains antioxidants for healthy liver in pets .

No Raw Feeding as it can cause TOXICITY.

7- Pets and Cauliflower :

Cauliflowers rich in natural antioxidants and Alleviate inflammation .

Contains Choline which is very important for healthy brain,CNS,Muscles and Liver .

8- Celery safety for pets : Healthy vegetables contains Vitamin B Complex .

9- Chickpeas : Must be cooked properly and fed in moderate amounts .

10 - Endive : Healthy for pets .

11- Fermented Vegetables : It is great to improve digestion for pets .

Improve GIT Health .

start with little amount at first to avoid upset of stomach .

12-Green peas for dogs and cats : Contains Vitamins ,Fibers and antioxidants 

Fed cooked is better than raw .

Not more than 20%of total calories .

13- Is Kale Poisonous for Pets ?

Kale is healthy for detoxification of liver , and anti-inflammatory .

Organic free from sprays.

Fed in just small moderate amounts .

14- Romaine Lettuce Feeding for dogs and cats :

It contains great amount of Fibers so perfect for the health of stomach .

No Over Feeding.

15- My pet ate Mushrooms , Is it ok ?

Yes mushrooms are very healthy as it is antioxidants content .

For some toxic mushrooms for human it is also toxic for dogs and cats .

16 - Onions for pets ?

Onions should not be eaten by pets 

dogs and cats can not eat onion as it can cause severe RBCs destruction.

Contact your Vet if your dog or cat suddenly ate Onions .

17- Spinach for dogs and cats :

Sure animals can eat Spinach and their useful healthy components from vitamins and antioxidants .

Just make sure Organic Spinach free from sprays and chemicals that can cause dog or cat toxicity .

Spinach must not increase 10 % of total calories of your pet diet .

18- Can pets eat sweet Potatoes ?

Yes Potatoes is very helpful for most of body functions ,

It acts as anti inflammatory ,anti bacterial ,anti cancers , Immune Boosting and anti-oxidants .

Cook Potatoes well for your dog or cat.

Avoid Raw Potatoes feeding for dog or cat as it is very difficult in digestion and can cause choking or obstruction .

If you have any question about vegetables for your pet , just write comment below .


Vet sheno


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