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12 Helpful Food facts about Fruits for your dog and Cat

12 Helpful Food facts about Fruits for your dog and Cat 

Fruits are very important for building body health and immunity , some fruits are safe and useful to be consumed by our pets as dogs and cats and other some fruits may be toxic or harmful to pets , so let us have some key notes on how fruits can be eaten by our dogs and cats. 

what fruits my do can eat

 1- Can dog or cat eat Apples ?

The answer is : Yes but must be cut into small easily swallowed pieces to avoid choking .

Apples " We can call natural Benadryl " are natural antihistamine that can greatly reduce stress effects as : Itching , inflammation,allergy and irritation .

Apples also contains many natural antioxidant that decrease cholesterol levels in blood and prevent cancers.

2- Pets and Avocado : dog ,cat and Avocado :

Cats and dogs can eat safely Avocado , But only the flesh NOT the seeds .

Avocado contains many healthy fats and natural antioxidants.

3- Can my pet eat Bananas ?

The answer : Yes Bananas is very useful for dogs and cats as it contains antioxidants and also rich in fibers .

4- Blackberries For dogs and cats , Is it safe ?

Blackberries can be eaten safely and serve as a good meal for your dog or cat .

5- Is Blueberries safe for my pet ?

Yes ,Blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants .

6- Cantaloupe and Pets : Can i feed my pets Cantaloupe ?

Yes ,Cantaloupe is very healthy for dog and cat .

It is rich in water content and ideal for re-hydration body of your pet.

Cantaloupe is very useful for Eye sight .

Cantaloupe must be cut into pieces .

7- Is Coconuts useful for my pets ?

Yes , make sure it is from organic natural source and must be in small amounts .

Coconuts are very healthy and useful for your pet health.

8- Cucumber for dogs and cats : 

Cucumber is very healthy for pets and can be consumed safely ,just make it slices .

Cucumber has great content of water and also some vitamins.

Make sure to get organic Cucumber free from organic chemicals .

9- Grapes for dog and cats ?

Grapes are TOXIC For pets and should not bed consumed by dogs or cats because of Tartaric acid .

10 - Can my dog or cat  eat  Honeydew ?

The Answer : Yes it has many essential vitamins .

Make sure that the Honeydew offered to your pets are Organic and free from chemicals .

11- Mango for pet animals :

dogs and cats can safely eat mango , but only the flesh , remove the inner seeds as it can cause choking.

Mango are very rich in antioxidants and some compounds that help in prevention degenerative disorders .

12-Are Oranges useful for pets ?

Oranges are very rich in Vitamin c which is very essential for building immunity of animals.

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