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5 magic tips to relief itchy dog - Itchiness in dogs - causes and treatment

 5 tips to treat itchy dog - Itchiness in dogs - causes and treatment 

How to treat itchy dogs

Content : 

1- Mange

2-Food sensitivity 

3- Yeast infections in dogs 

4- Itchy paws " Feet "  in dogs 

5- Pruritis or dermatitis in dogs 

Itchy dogs is very common sign of many health problems in pets , Let us know the major causes of itchy dogs and how to treat " relief " itchiness in dogs .

Causes of itchiness in dogs : 

1- Mange : 

Mange is the most common cause of itchiness in dogs and and there are two major types of mange in dogs : Sarcoptic mange and demodectic mange and Sarcoptic mange is more severe in sgins and severity than demodectic mange 

Treatment of mange :

Treatment of mange in dogs with one of the three following ways :

1- Ivomec injection : 1 ml subcut injection for 25 kg b.weight and repeated after 15 days .

2- Use pesticide dipping : With Precaution cause this might be toxic and this is done only under vet supervision .There are many safe commercial ant tic products than can be easily used to Eliminate 

3- Use Sulfur Cream locally over the itchy Skin daily for 15 days or bathing dog with Sulfur Soap.


2- Food related itchy skin : " itchy dogs no fleas " 

Cause : Mainly caused by Foreign Contaminants in the Commercial processed diets .

You must first Know what is causing food sensitivity for your dog .

In case of know type of food that causing food sensitivity , Offer your dog Fresh home made diet .

Consult your Vet if you suspect your dog has food sensitivity .

Food sensitivity mostly accompanyied with GIT issues " Environmental allergies " 

Choose Less sensitive dog food 


3- Yeast infection :

Especially in ears of your dog or in the paws .

Signs : Itchiness in dogs and bad smell " Unpleasant dog odor " 

Treatment :  

Bathing your dog with anti fungal shampoo is the ideal treatment .

Think of Natural anti fungal feeding .


4- Itchy Paws in dogs  :

This might be caused with irritant from the environment as chemicals and allergens .

" Summer itchy dogs " 

Might be also from mange or yeast infection .

Know the cause first .

Consult your vet 


5- Dermatitis  " Pruritis " :
As Eczema in human .
Stress is mainly predisposing factor leading to dermatitis in your dog skin .
consult your veterinarian if your dog show signs of dermatitis .
Consider using natural creams to relief skin itchiness .
Oil of lavender are great calming agent in stress , you can use while bathing your dog .

Eliminating source of infection 



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