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Kennel Cough in dogs " Complete guide for diagnosis , causes and treatment "

 Kennel Cough in dogs " Complete guide for diagnosis , causes and treatment " 

Treatment Kennel Cough in dogs

Kennel cough is a symptom for some dog infectious or contagious diseases in dogs .


How can i know if my dog has kennel cough ?

1- The most obvious sign of kennel cough is dry persistent cough as if strange object stuck in the throat or like goose honk sound .

2- Nasal discharge .

3-  Sneezing .

4- Less food intake .

5- decreased animal movement and energy .

6- Cough when any exercise is done .


Note : Some cases of dog kennel cough can be recovered with no need of any treatment .


Treatment of Kennel Cough in dogs ;

First ask help from your veterinarian .

In some cases your vet may prescribe some anti inflammatory and antibiotic for few days. 

Bronchodialators are very effective .

It is important to offer animal much water to drink .

treatment the main cause of cough in your dog .

always ask your vet help 

Ultrasound and x-ray are very effective in diagnosis .

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