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Complete Guide to Feline Panleucopenia in Cats

 Feline Panleucopenia 


Definition : 

 Feline Panleucopenia is HIGHLY  INFECTIOUS disease affecting cats charaterized by sharp drop in WBCS count  " i.e Pan leucopenia " 

Signs of  Feline Panleucopenia : 

1- Fever .

2- Watery diarrhea or dysentery.

3- Vomiting .

4- Fluids and gases in inntestine and can be revealed by palpation of the abdomen with hand.

5- Severe dehydration  .

6- death may occur in some cases .

Treatment : 

Treatment of the diarrhea and vomiting 

Electrolyte supporting of the animal 

Symptomatic treatment.

Prevention :

By Vaccination " very effective  "


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