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Does the emerging corona virus covid-19 infect dogs and cats?

Corona virus and pets animals " Corona and dog and cats "

Corona and pet animals
Image source : Frontiers 

Content :

1- Does the emerging corona virus covid-19 infect dogs and cats?

2- Chances of transmission of Corona virus covid19 from humans to dogs and cats:

3- What do you do if you have a cat or dog in your home?

4- Protect dogs and cats from infection with the emerging covid19 virus :

5- The incubation period for the emerging corona virus in animals :

6- Symptoms of the emerging covid19 virus infection in dogs :

7- Do dogs and cats transmit the emerging corona virus, covid19, to humans? How to protect yourself when in contact with animals?

8- What animals are vulnerable to infection with the emerging covid19 virus?


1- Does the emerging corona virus covid-19 infect dogs and cats?

The Corona-virus family is a group of viruses that are characterized by bumps that appear under the electron microscope with a crown shape, and that is why it is called corona, or corona-virus.

This group is responsible for a wide range of different diseases, including colds in humans, SARS disease, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome, and also viruses responsible for some diseases in animals, such as canine corona virus, infectious peritonitis disease in cats, and others.

There is not enough information so far about the source of the emerging corona virus covid19, but it is most likely according to studies about its mutation in an animal such as a bat.

So far, a small number of animals have been infected with the emerging covid19 virus, and all of them have been in contact with an infected human.

So far, and from the little information available, the role of dogs and cats in transmitting the new Corona virus to humans and its spread is very little.

Treat your pet like the rest of the family, so unnecessary contact with people outside the home should be avoided, and the animal should also be completely kept away of contact with individuals suspected of being infected with the emerging corona virus covid19.

2- Chances of transmission of the emerging corona virus covid19 from humans to dogs and cats:

The world still has more to discover the actual source of the emerging corona virus, covid19, and what is available so far is its exit from an animal source, and most of the theories in this framework are directed towards it being the bat, or scaly ants.

So far it also appears that humans have the ability to transmit the virus to dogs and cats and cause infection in them, and a small number of new cases of infection with the emerging corona virus covid19 have been recorded in animals, including cases in dogs and cats, and the matter is still somewhat restricted due to the difficulty of conducting diagnostic tests on animals currently , Some cats and dogs that were infected did not show symptoms of infection, and some showed mild symptoms, and others had a complete form of infection with full symptoms.

3- What do you do if you have a cat or dog in your home?

There is no reason to be afraid of the presence of cats and dogs yet, and until more information is available, you must treat your pet like the rest of the house completely with regard to prevention.

- Because of the opportunities for the new Corona virus to spread from humans to dogs and cats, even if in small proportions, the CDC recommends that dogs and cats not mix with individuals outside the home.

- Keep cats and dogs indoors and not allow them to roam outside unnecessarily.

- Maintain a safe distance of at least two meters between dogs and any other person while walking outside the house.

- Avoid the presence of dogs and cats in gathering places and places crowded with people.

- Do not put any cover or mask on the dog's face, because that is how harmful it can be.

- There is no clear evidence so far that confirms human infection through the skin when touching the skin or hair of dogs and cats, so there is no need to use chemical disinfectants or alcohol on the animal’s skin, except for materials intended for use on dogs and cats.

- In case of any symptoms appear on dogs or cats, especially psychological symptoms, take your pet immediately to the veterinarian for your reassurance.

4- Protect dogs and cats from infection with the emerging covid19 virus :

- So far, the information available about the recorded infections in dogs and cats with the emerging corona virus covid19 confirms that the source of the infection is by contact with an infected person. Therefore, animals must be protected when there is a person infected with the Corona virus inside the home or any suspected person.

- You must isolate yourself or the infected person should be isolated from dealing with dogs and cats inside the home.

- Avoid touching an animal, playing with it, or sleeping next to it as long as you are infected with the virus.

- If you are infected and you are the only person who takes care of the animal, stick to wearing a face mask while handling it, and thoroughly disinfect your hand before and after handling each time.

- If you are infected with the emerging corona virus covid19, and you notice the appearance of symptoms on your dog or cat, do not take the animal yourself to the veterinarian, contact the veterinarian

5- The incubation period for the emerging corona virus in animals :

According to the International Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the information available so far is that the incubation period for the virus in animals appears to be similar to humans, ranging from two days to 15 days before symptoms appear, with an average of approximately 5 days.

6- Symptoms of the emerging covid19 virus infection in dogs :

  So far, no cases of infection in dogs have been recorded from the confirmed cases accompanied by symptoms of infection, except for one case in the United States of America, despite the isolation of the virus from some dogs, and also the ability of dogs to excrete the virus in feces has been demonstrated.

 The symptoms that were recorded on the infected case in America were:

- Severe general weakness.

- Anemia due to severe breakdown of red blood cells.

- The dog recovered several days after symptoms appeared.

*** Symptoms of the emerging covid19 virus in cats

- General weakness

- Diarrhea

- Rewind "vomiting"

- Cough

- runny nose

- anemia


7- Do dogs and cats transmit the emerging corona virus, covid19, to humans? How to protect yourself when in contact with animals?

There is no strong evidence so far that says that cats and dogs play a role in the spread of Corona virus, covid19, and the available information is that the clinical value of the ability of dogs and cats to transmit disease to humans is very limited. But in any case, it is always possible to deal with the animal's body like any other body, it is always possible to be a carrier of the disease and thus there are opportunities for it to play a role in indirect infection by carrying the virus like other microbes and bacteria that can be carried on its body.

Therefore, always taking precautions when dealing with animals, especially outside the home, is a good idea.

- Wash your hands well after handling dogs or cats, or touching animal supplies, food, or their droppings.

- Minimize unnecessary contact with exotic dogs and cats outside the home.

-Talk to your veterinarian to inquire about anything, or when you notice any signs of illness on your pet.

-Always keep in mind that the elderly and children in general are most exposed to various microbes due to the weak ability of the immune system to confront diseases.


8- What animals are vulnerable to infection with the emerging covid19 virus?

The information currently available from the recorded cases confirms the presence of infections among dogs, cats, and some other animals, but we do not know whether all animals are susceptible to infection with Corona virus covid19 or not.

A small number of domestic animals "dogs and cats" were infected in several countries, most of those cases were recorded after direct contact with a person infected with the virus.

The new infection with the new Corona virus covid19 was recorded in a group of tigers and lions in one of the zoos in the United States of America after the appearance of respiratory symptoms on them, and health organizations believe that the infection started from the tigers that took the infection from a worker inside the zoo, and all of these cases were completely recovered .

  Recently, Infected cases were recorded in mink, one of the animals covered with fur, on a group of farms in the Netherlands, and respiratory and digestive symptoms appeared, and also a higher number of deaths were recorded than usual in those farms. The infection appeared on some workers on those farms, so it is believed that these workers are the source of the injuries. Officials of health institutions in the Netherlands are still trying to find the relationship between workers and injuries on these farms.

   The Epidemic Control Organization is currently working in the United States of America to survey large groups of cats and dogs in contact with cases infected with the emerging corona virus covid19 to determine whether or not antibodies are present in the bodies of these animals, and also to obtain additional information about the role of cats and dogs in the spread of the disease.

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