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Calici virus in cats - symptoms and treatment

Calicivirus in cats - symptoms and treatment

What is Calici virus disease?

Calici virus in cats is a common respiratory disease in cats.

The calicivirus attacks the cat's respiratory system, mouth, intestine, and skeletal muscles.

It is spread quickly among cats who have not been vaccinated against the disease. It is common in places with a high cat population such as chatters and cat farms, and in poorly ventilated homes.

Calici affects all members of the feline family of all ages, but kittens over the age of 6 weeks are most susceptible to the disease.

Calicivirus has the ability to cause mutations and create new types of it, and this explains the occurrence of infections among cats that have been vaccinated against the disease sometimes, so far there are 40 known types of the virus.


How is calicivirus transmitted to cats?

The virus is transmitted by direct contact between healthy and infected cats.

The virus is transmitted in the air by droplets of secretions from infected cats.

The infected cats continue to excrete the virus in their secretions for a period of 2-3 weeks after the end of the treatment period, 50% of infected cases become a carrier of the disease and excreted intermittently or continuously for several months, and in rare cases they become a carrier of the disease for life.

Carriers of the disease do not show any symptoms, and mother cats can transmit calicivirus to kittens after birth.

Most types of disinfectants have very little effectiveness in killing calici, so the virus lives in the environment for a week and can transmit the infection to cats without direct contact with an infected case.

Lack of vaccinations or an incomplete schedule of vaccinations is the first factor in increasing the chances of contracting the disease, in addition to the weakening of the cat's immune system due to other diseases.

The incubation period for calicivirus ranges from 2 - 6 days between infection and the onset of symptoms.

The virus is not transmitted to humans or to any other animal outside the cat family.


Symptoms of calici virus  in cats : 

- Lack of appetite for food turns into a complete loss of appetite with the progression of the disease.

- Eye secretions

- Nasal secretions

- Runny and nasal congestion.

- The appearance of sores on the tongue, roof of the throat, nose, lips, and around the cat's nails.

- Increased saliva dropping from the nose with the appearance of ulcers.

- Pneumonia.

- Difficulty breathing after the onset of pneumonia.

- Arthritis.

- Lameness.

- Pain while walking.

- High temperature.

The most virulent and dangerous type of the disease, which is somewhat rare, is called Virulent Systemic Feline Calicivirus VS-FCV, and it appears more in the cat population such as chatters, which is a highly infectious type and causes death in 67% of cases, and includes symptoms:

- Skin ulcers

- Fluid collections under the skin.

- Diarrhea

- Vomiting - rewind

- Jaundice .

- Symptoms of pneumonia.


Diagnosis of calici virus in cats : 

- History and development of symptoms.

- The veterinarian will examine the cat, and evaluate the functioning of the various body systems.

- Blood and urine tests.

- A cat's secretion test for calicivirus.

- X-ray to diagnose pneumonia.


Treatment of  calicivirus in cats :

As usual with all viruses, there is no special treatment to kill the virus.

The main goal of medications in the treatment of calicivirus is to prevent complications.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infection.

Intravenous fluids in case of loss of appetite.

Antibiotic eye drops.

Ventilator if unable to breathe in cases of pneumonia.

The affected cat needs good care until the treatment period ends, which includes cleaning the secretions of the nose and eyes continuously, and providing food that is easy to digest and contains high calories, especially with the onset of ulcers.

Good chlorine disinfection in the place of infected cats, disinfectants will not be able to completely eliminate the calicivirus, but to reduce the amount of viruses present in the place, especially if there are other healthy cats in the house.

The chances of successful treatment depend on the severity of the symptoms. Older cats with calicivirus who have not developed pneumonia have good chances of treatment.

Mouth ulcers extend the duration of treatment.

The period of illness and treatment ranges from 14 to 21 days in the absence of complications.


Calicivirus prevention :

In general, preventing cats from being exposed to the virus is very difficult.

Maintaining a complete schedule of vaccinations, including live vaccination against calicivirus, and even in the event of infection with vaccination, the vaccine works to reduce the severity of symptoms.

Disinfect thoroughly if there is a previously infected case with calicivirus at home.


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