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The Complete Guide For Canine Distemper " all what you have to know about Distemper in dogs "

Distemper in dogs :  The Complete Guide 

Distemper  in dogs is a viral disease that affects dogs and some wildlife. A rapidly spreading and contagious disease that is very dangerous for dogs' health.

The Distemper virus affects all dogs of all ages, but young puppies under the age of 4 months who have not been vaccinated against the disease are most vulnerable.

Infection with some types of bacteria in the digestive or respiratory system increases the chances of infection with Distemper.

How is the Distemper infection transmitted to dogs?

The disease is transmitted through the air, either directly through contact of a healthy dog ​​with the secretions of an infected dog , coughing or sneezing, or indirect contact through tools and dishes.

Infected dogs continue to infect for months.

A pregnant dog can also transmit the infection to the puppies during pregnancy through the placenta.

The disease begins by attacking the tonsils and the lymph nodes, and it multiplies in them for about a week and then spreads to attack the respiratory, digestive or nervous system.

What are the symptoms of Distemper disease in dogs?

In the initial stage of the disease, the most obvious symptoms are:

The temperature rises to more than 39.7 degrees.

Watery or pus secretions from the eye.

Redness of the eye

Watery secretions from the nose.

General weakness.

The dog stops eating.

Persistent coughing.


Diarrhea sometimes.

After the virus attacks the nervous system, neurological symptoms begin to appear:

The dog turns around.

Head tilted to one side.

Muscle twitching


Constant chewing movement of the jaw.

Increased salivation.

Partial or complete paralysis.

It is also possible that some other symptoms may appear such as enlargement and roughness of the pads of the legs, so it is sometimes called a hard pad disease.

Most cases of infection with the Distemper virus in dogs end in death, and death occurs within two to five weeks after receiving the infection.

In some cases that undergo neurological symptoms and succeed in treatment, chronic nerve injuries occur that leave their effects on the dog.

Diagnosis of Distemper in dogs :

Diagnosis of the virus is mainly done by testing body secretions such as nasal secretions.

A complete picture of blood, especially white blood cells.


Lung x-ray to diagnose pneumonia.

Treatment of Distemper disease in dogs

There is no specific antidote for Distemper disease.

Treatment attempt depends mainly on maintaining the body's systems and functions, and preventing secondary infection.

Continuous cleaning of secretions from the nose and eyes.

Intravenous fluids to treat dehydration from food interruptions or diarrhea.

Antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infection.


The success of the treatment depends on the type of virus and the state of the dog's immune system.

The injured dog must be completely isolated from the rest of the dogs, and the place, utensils and dishes must be thoroughly disinfected with chlorine.

Dogs protection against the distemper virus " prevention "

Prevention of the Distemper virus in dogs by following the vaccination schedules correctly.

Live vaccination against Distemper virus is included in all available types of vaccines, two, five and eight.

Avoid mixing the puppies before vaccinating other dogs.

In case of an infected dog, it should be isolated from healthy dogs.

In case of a previous infection with Distemper , the place must be thoroughly disinfected with chlorine.

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