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Funny cat adventures : What's the worst thing your cat(s) did inside your home?

What's the worst thing your cat(s) did inside your home?

Fun with my cat

Some of cat owners opinions on what are the worst thing cat do at home and their answer :

- Knocked over a huge flower pot of dirt. The carpet is stained a year later.
Brought in a gecko, ate it and puked it up. Yuck.
Well...I noticed my cat was having fun playing with something..I of course checked out what toy was that popular....and I get a dead rat thrown up at my chest...;/
Peeled in the shower and wrecked the new rug.
Scratched the heck out of the door jamb on both the master bedroom and bathroom doors. When Itsy wants in, she wants in!
Shits in my tub.
Pissed on me while i was sleeping.
Chewed up a phone charger...
While I was at work, my cat Amor opened the fridge, ate the cold cuts and the butter, and then turned on the TV. About gave me a heart attack when i came home, because I thought someone had broken in.
My cat sometimes turns on my laptoo as well.... And ofc makes me loose some online games ongoing....
Shredded wallpaper, pulled up the carpets and today pulled the curtain rail down.

Peed on my $1500 MacBook Pro.
Puked on top of my dresser and on the couch.
My eldest cat scratched my mom's face when she was asleep. My mom woke up with blood on her face and collapsed after. 

But they are in good terms now. My mom is afraid of him. When he starts to act crazy, my mom would hide. Haha
Peed on the drapes, and the entertainment center and a few other things.
farted in my mothers face😂😂
He steals socks and plays with them under the bed during sleep time.
ore up a pillow shammy I literally just purchased that day.
Ruined leather chairs and our couches....but I would t trade them for the world....the good out weighs the bad for sure.
Hair balls on my bedroom floor not fun to step in barefoot.
Stole a whole grilled fish off the kitchen table. There was more than one thief involved.
Younger cat plays too rough with older cat.
Took the neighbors dinner and ate it
-For my black cat bring in a live mouse and play with it in my room, and for my other one, he got the shits on because I had to lock him in the house when he was injured and he took his anger out by peeing on my newly washed clothes that I was about to fold and put away.
pissed on my mattress 3 times.
Max pooped and a straw (which he had eaten) came out with the poop and got stuck half way out of his bottom. So he ran around the house and wiped his butt with poop skid marks everywhere.
My cat ate one of my extreme long hair and well, one day she was sitting on my lab and i saw a hair. i pulled on it and i will never forget her face as i was pulling this almost 1 m hair out of her butt. i think i saw one part still in her mouth
I was out of town for 5 days and had a cat sitter stay. When I cot home, the cats had pooped all over my bed.
 so hard to choose -- but the top two are: Dusty caught (off the windowsill - he was an inside cat), killed and defeathered a bird (and then watched for my reaction) and when Gonzo kept me out of my house by trying to attack me (he eventually calmed down and became his usual somewhat sweet self)
Ate my brother's wedding cake....🙄😎🧡🐾
Brought in & released live moles, lizards, frogs & small snakes in the house. Puked on my bed. Clawed a hole in the carpet. Urinated on a new mattress, which was thankfully covered by a waterproof mattress pad.
-They rip up the carpet when they want out of the room.
Peed on my bed. Seeped all the way through. I was out all day and night, home by 3am.... slept on the floor for a few days while it was cleaned out.
-Peed on the stove.
All three tag teamed the Christmas tree. It was a disaster & the tree had it coming.
Grew old, and crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. 😿
 I had a friend stay over with her cat before she moved interstate with him- one night only before an early airport start. My Ginger cat peed on one of my coats which was on a bed end bench immediately !!!! I got it straight away and it didn't sink in as it was waterproof- but he is a very clean cat and would never dream of doing that normally. For those of you in Australia- Biozet/Bio Attack washing POWDER- gets cat pee smells out of everything if used with cold water :)
Besides piddled on my bed? Hmmmm, perhaps pooping on my bed!
Had a male stray that i took in 15 years ago spray my head in the middle of the night before i got him fixed.
The worst thing? I am living with dog pee pads on my asshole cat has decided to mark the counter where I COOK because one of the other cats jumps on HER spot where she sits when I feed the cats in the morning!

WHO IS LIVING WITH PUPPY PADS ON THEIR KITCHEN CUPBOARD, the worst thing, they area always into EVERYTHING...I'm not kidding.

Shredded my new curtains.
Pulled over my Christmas tree. To be fair, it was still up in late January and begging for it.
 I had one that loved to eat the candy canes.
Knocked over a gallon can of paint,
My male cat used to always poop in shower gross....nothing like digging poop out of the drain before you can take a shower ugghhhhh.
Cat took down Christmas tree and the hand blown glass ornaments that were an irreplaceable family heirloom.
my two fur-demons did that to my mother in law's tree when we were visiting. They murdered 4 ornaments that were irreplaceable. She's not forgotten about it.
It's a tie between shredding toilet paper and throwing each other down the stairs in crazy cat wrestling.
After my cat dies, my other cat pooped on the floor. I cleaned it up and disinfected the floor. The next time he did it, I put him to bed in the bathroom to sleep. A week later I wanted little Pipsqueak with me at night. He has not done it anymore.
One time he brought me a dead baby mouse.
Pooed in my bed.. someone is mad at me.
 She caught a live mouse and put it in the bed with me while I was sleeping.
My little huntress brought in a dead lizard and gifted it to my son by putting it his shoe. When he put his shoe on...goosh. Bleh!
My little huntress brought in a dead lizard and gifted it to my son by putting it his shoe. When he put his shoe on...goosh. Bleh!
 I would say the worst thing would be when they were really little, they didn't quite know how to use the litter box, so they were throwing litter and poop everywhere. It got all over the walls, door, etc. lol
 She left a pair of headless dead mice bleeding on an antique wool rug lol
Ruined the floor by spraying a few years after I had it refurbished. I still have and love the cats.
My cat ate and pooped a shoelaces halfway out, decide to jump on my chest at 6am to ask for help (now the shoelace is being drag across the bed and my chest). Got scared when I picked her up and decide to escape and ran around the house. Finally I was able to corner her in the bathroom,I have to request assistance from my wife to perform what's the end of poop shoelace procedure with a poop stain shirt on. Best sunday morning ever.
My cat ate some tinsel off the christmas tree. Had to perform the poop tinsel procedure.
Lets see. Oliver pooped between my pillows and I didn’t see it until that night when I went to bed and put my head in it. Couldn’t figure out why the pillows were cold and sticky. Turned on the light and found the poop.
Needless to say I check the bed every night now before I go to bed.
Y’all have some naughty kitties.
Brought me a live coral snake.
2 words - explosive diarrhea 🤢🙀
Oh and one time I was on an IV antibiotic. I had to wear it for 2 weeks straight to fight a staph infection. Maggie ate the plastic tubing that carried the drug from the machine to my veins. I didn’t get any drugs that day. After that I slept with it under my body.
I have another one: Cats having sex on top of us while we are trying to sleep.
Jumped on a table,
Knocked off my
Tiffany lamp and it shattered... My fault,

I shouldn't have put
It in Her house 💕
Peed on: my gas range (on the burners), light fixture in bathroom, amplifier, speaker, leather sofa. Probably other places I dont know about either. I still love 'em
When i don't change her litter box as soon as I should she will pee in my bed! Last week she did it on all my pillows.
Pied in my sugar bowl on tray on counter.
Mine performed a Satanic ritual. What made it the worst thing was that instead of sacrificing a chicken, they ate all of Mine.
he pooped on my freshly made apple pie.
Got their hair EVERYWHERE! 🤣🤣🤣
Brought me a gift of a Live 🦇Bat. And then let it go! do you know how hard it is to get them things out of your house lol
Ate my stash. $200 to hear the vet say he was high.
peed on my bed because I failed to clean out his litter box. :D
The dynamic duo were chasing each other with wild abandon and knocked the television off.
Piss all over my ex partners clothes constantly lol
Spewed up a heap of mice he had swallowed whole on the lounge room floor.
My very large and active hunter brought a big rat into the house during a party and wouldn't come out from under the refreshments table. Maybe he thought the hors d oeuvre weren't sufficient.
Pooped because I left him inside most of the day. He's mostly house broken. We don't have a litter box. So I blame myself.
Developed a ‘catch and release’ program with live snakes. Inside my house.
Brought home alive full size squirrel that got away and shredded a wood above the window. My cat also smuggled another squirrel inside, killed and ate it on a rug. I felt like a CSI cleaning the mess.
One time I locked myself out, and those little terrorist were plotting their escape to the dangerous flea ridden territory of the outside. I after a long valiant day at my slave shack...wanted nothing but peace. I spent hours jimmying my rental open ever so gentle as maintenance was asleep. Finally, I could see the beautiful release of the inside. When ninja cat ambushes me, I fell backwards in complete shock at the creature I worshipped and loved...

Why would he harm me? Oh he knew what he was doing...the other quickly in a demonic whisp flew into the night. The attacker gave me his sweet innocent glance on the floor, but couldn't resist looking to the deep outdoors. I slammed the door shut to prevent his injury by the hoards of leukemia cats, and worms from fleas. 

Only then did I realize my mistake...the door was still locked. I then went on a quest to find my devil cat who'd found a new home, in my unsuspecting neighbors house (bless their souls).. After retrieval (and several other games later between the two), and again opening my door I did not want damaged, I thought my fate was over...

I had a single beer from my journey home...a single escape to relaxation. I poured it in my pre-chilled glass (at this point it's important to know I do not drive and it was close to end of liquor time in my state). 

I set the glass down ever so gentle in front of me. Finally resting my burdened body on the sofa. And alas, the monster jumps on me causing my phone to go inside the couch (it does not have removable cushions, and you must contort your hand to get it out. I spent another hour ripping my flesh, and sparing all but the bone to get my much needed I look up I see the flash in the grey ones green eyes and a single paw up stairing at me...

He has me trumped, beer....he waited for my gaze, and still in my work clothes he slammed the glass to my face beer spilling everywhere. All over my precious couch, body, and work clothes. 

I was so angry, and the other one manipulated me into submission. All I did was pet the beast upset with my weak self, upset that I had been broken, and lost to the world. Phone back into the couch once more I slipped into slumber. 

Upon waking I noticed my entire house has glass everywhere. The cupboards I wine glasses...all of my things I ever had (I am a man of few pleasures).....

Brought home a bat and let it fly around the house for fun.
One of mine pooped on our box turtle. TWICE!
Goes in the shower with better acoustics to “MOW MOW MOW!” in the middle of the night..
Hmmmm...let's see: bringing in live mice--yes, more than one mouse; a HUGE potatoe bug that they lost sight of until papa put on his pants...; grasshopper bodies, sans legs; grasshopper LEGS, sans body; cat barf and, of course, poop OUTSIDE of the cat box; scratching on furniture...; to name a few. But, you know what? After all the stupid things they do, I still love them and feel comfort when I have one, or two.... Plus my doggies, of course. <
Peed on my forehead while I was asleep. She was mad at me for something, because I woke in the middle of the night to see a kitten squatting over my head.
 Pooped in the bathtub...and tried to shove it down the drain. That was fun
Knocked my African violets over and played in the dirt when I was gone one day. They had black feet when I got home 😂😂
Brought a LIVE BIRD into my bed! Then released it-he and the other cats were all chasing it around my bed!

He pee’d on my husbands leg while we were laying on the bed watching TV. He once did the same thing to me. Not sure what I or he did to deserve it? Oh , wait yes I do. We brought in to our home five other cats. His name is Yella. He’s twelve now. And he owns my entire heart and soul. I love him more than anything on this earth.
Had a runny poo and rubbed his butt all over the house while I was trying to catch him and clean him up.
-Crapped on the bed.

And there are a lot more of our funny cat jokes ....... can you tell us one of yours cats in the comment below 

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