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Why Dogs Attacks People ? and what to do If Dog attacks You ? How to avoid dog attacks and how to behave correctly when an attack occurs ?

Dogs Attacks : Causes :

We had to know the causes which make dogs might attcak people because avoidance is considered 80% of the reasons for prevention of the risk of dog attack .

1- Trying to pull strange dogs or forced walking :

Some, especially children, deal spontaneously with dogs, some dogs may not allow a lot of freedom in dealing with children, especially strangers, the reaction is to attack them .

2 -Making loud voices or high sounds : " shouting "

Making high voices suddenly might cause your dogs to enhance their aggressive attacks actions  , also when you laugh loudly the dog might consider that you are challenging him . 
Also avoid looking directly into the dog's eye

3 -Looking directly at dog eye :

Dogs understand direct eye looking  from strangers as a challenge and assault on his property then he must attack and defend his kingdom.

4 - Trying to take something out of the dog and it happens sometimes, for example, trying to play with the dog and  food dish or anything is seized on him and the person is a stranger, the dog considers this behavior aggression on him, so his reaction is to attack you.

5 - Attempt to approach sexual parts in the body of the dog , so any sudden touching at these areas the dog might attack you.

6 - After parturition : 

Some doge becomes more aggressive just to protect  their puppies from any possible danger or enemy .

7. Try to assault the dog :

Many children, even adults with childish behavior, enjoy provoking dogs and seeing them in a state of agitation

8. During mating:

Sometimes, if you try to prevent the male from completing the mating process, he assaults you because you prevent him from performing his instinctive function in reproduction and to maintain his survival. Sometimes that happens to the owners of the dog themselves.

9. Talking loudly with the dog owner :

10-  Trying to walk with the dog : 

It occurs as some dogs do not allow strangers to control their movement and this is a strong reason and motivation to attack this person .

11 - Entry to the places assigned to guard it :

This is an attack on the dog's own ownership of the place assigned to protect him and your intervention is matched by an immediate attack .

The second part :

How Dogs Attach :

And is oftendone from the back in a very calm and attack the farthest part of the body from the face.

Dog does not bite the nearest thing to him, but he is doing some of the farthest part of the human head and not the closest part of his body .

The third part :

How to avoid dog attacks and how to behave correctly when an attack occurs ?

The most important and the greatest benefit is to avoid the causes of provocation and attack itself and so we have gone a long way in securing ourselves from the attacks of stray dogs, but what to do if the agony actually happened :

1: Stability in the place without movement .

2: Calculate the distance between me and the dog if it is at an appropriate distance allow me to run and escape either if not advised to stay stable and leave the dog approaching .

3: Not to make any sounds either scream or howling as soon as the dog approached me and his readiness to attack so as not to induce him to attack .

4: Raise the attention of the dog by a stick in your hand and try to through it away so long that the dog loses focus from you personally.

All of this, of course, in the case of a dog approaching to attack me, but if he actually attacked the act of the following

1: Bound on the earth in the form of a circle .

2: Try to protect the sensitive parts of the body by your limbs and put your hands around the head to protect the face and ear and neck .

4: Minimize the amount of space available to bite by pelleting the body and the inclusion of the knee on the chest.

5: Do not try to scream or hit the dog or abuse him because that will raise the dog severely .

6: When the dog finds no reaction , it loses its desire to attack and stop the attack, but it remains around the body motivated to attack with any movement and at that moment the body must be persistent in the steadfastness and silently and lose the dog attention and leave me .

More concrete steps

1: It is possible to use pepper raspberries to prevent the dog from getting close

2: Use of tear gas.

3: Use electric sticks.

4: Use the wave device.

Finally how to intervene in case of coincidence seeing a dog attacking someone?

There are several steps that must be taken into account if you decide to intervene to find someone who is under attack by a dog so that you do not endanger yourself

1: Attempting to hit the dog with a sharp bale afflicts him with an inability to continue the attack.

2: Attempting to raise the legs of the back dog if he holds a part of the body or clothing of the injured person and so that he opens his mouth automatically and left the injured .

3: Do not interfere alone, preferably two or more at least until they protect each other.

4: We prevent the injured from the movement permanently, even if he was injured does not increase injury, especially in the case of fractures.

5: We stop the bleeding, if any, by filling the wounds with medical gauze, wipes or cloth in the weakest cases if the above is not available ,

6: We ask the ambulance and veterinary authorities to sign the detection of the dog so as not to be pregnant or carrier of diseases .
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