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Ticks in Animals : How To Eradicate and Get rid of these Harmful Insects

How do I eliminate ticks?

Here are some of the products we recommend:

1- Anti-tick hoops :

The only hoops we recommend are Kiltix hoops and Preventic collars.

These hoops are very effective, but should not be wet, and should be replaced every five months.

2- Frontline spray works but with moderate efficiency, so if you live in a very ticking environment, the hoops are better. In this case, the frontline spray can also be used with the hoops.

3- Topical spots - Frontline fluid, Revolution is placed between the shoulder blades every month and works well against ticks (also fleas and some intestinal parasites).

4- Whatever products you use, be sure to follow the instructions on the cover well. The misuse of tick products can be dangerous for your dog, especially for a small dog.

5- Fumigation the dog or cat with insecticide as DIZIONONE or BUTOX they are safe for the animal and has killing effect to the ticks 

6- Subcutaneous injections of IVERMECTIN  is also very useful in theses cases at dose 1cm/50 k.g body weight .

How do I remove a tick from my dog?

Check your dog immediately after being present in an environment infected with ticks, and if there is a tick moving on it, it means that it has not yet been drawn from the blood, immediately remove the tick, and if you find a tick attached to your dog, pick up the tick with your catches or nails and drag it quickly, You can do this with someone else's help to mow the animal, and remove the tick at a very important speed. The disease can only be transmitted after 12 hours of tick bite. Be careful not to touch the contents of the tick, including the blood in your skin. Or cut into your skin.
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