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What is Cat Flu ? causes , treatment and how to prevent cat flu in cats ?

Cat Flu: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

 Cat flu is a common term used to describe a group of upper respiratory tract infections that affect cats. The symptoms of cat flu can include sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, fever, coughing, and loss of appetite.

Cat flu can be caused by a number of viruses and bacteria, including feline herpesvirus (FHV), feline calicivirus (FCV), and Chlamydophila felis, among others.

While most cases of cat flu are not life-threatening, they can be highly contagious and may require treatment from a veterinarian to manage the symptoms and prevent complications

Causes of Cat Flu?

First of all cat flu is not a seasonal disease. But it is more common in winter. As sudden drop in temperature causing stress to the animals.

 -1A sudden drop in temperature and a stress on our pet cats , we know any stress reduces immune system causing to increase disease outbreak.

2-Migrant and flying birds as they  bring some epidemic disease germs.

3-Infected stray cats that can spread the infection in various ways in air, droplets, potty vomiting or direct contact with pets.

Prevention of Cat Flu: 

The chances of recovery increases in the beginning.

-1 Vaccination:  If the mother cat is not vaccinated then the baby cat can be vaccinated at age of 8-9 weeks.

The best way to prevent cat flu is through vaccination. There are vaccinations available that protect against the most common viruses that cause cat flu, which include feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus. It's important to keep your cat's vaccinations up-to-date and to follow your veterinarian's recommendations for vaccination schedules.

2-Keeping your cats separated from outdoor cats or animals. When sheltering new cats be careful that it does not bring danger to your home. That's why even if you bring stray or strange cats, keep it 14 days apart.

3- Wash food utensils and accommodation often with 70% alcohol spray or betadine.

-4 Always Keep your cats in Warm places . Keep away from places where direct wind comes. Also avoid cold foods directly from refrigerator; u can slightly heat the food.

5- Sheltering stray cats.

Healthy cats can get home mating done in heat. Or wait until it goes down.

-6 If anyone with many  cats come to your house at this time follow sanitary or general hygiene before going directly to the cat.

Even after this, any symptoms of this disease will be started separate treatment of the doctor.

There is no alternative to treatment of a registered vet in this case.

Always Consult your Vet

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