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Dogs and Coconut : Is it safe for dogs to eat Coconut - The best Homemade Coconut Recipe for your dog

Coconut oil for pets 

Coconut for dogs and cats

Coconut is safe and healthy for dogs but must be in small amounts and from organic sources .
Coconut oil has many essential vitamins necessary for your dog health.
Coconut also is a very good source of good fats, Nutrients and carbohydrates.

How to choose coconut oil for your pets ?

1- Organic Coconut oil 100%
2- Human grade coconut oil
3- Cold pressed oil .

Homemade Coconut Recipe For Your dog 

Ingredients :

- Melted coconut oil      3 tablespoons 
-  Coconut flour            6 tablespoons
- Oregano fresh           1 tablespoons
- Whey Protein " Oragnic"  1 Cup 
- Honey "Oraganic "      3 tablespoons 

How to make the Coconut Recipe :

1- Mix all the above mentioned ingredients.
2- In  a greased cookie make all the ingredients flat dough 
3- Bake for 5 minutes at 375 °F
4- wait till it becomes cool and cut as many sizes and shapes as you wish .

Note : The prepared Baked mixture must be consumed in 7 days and kept in refrigerator or freezer .

*Recommended for dogs with yeast problems which is a common secondary predisposing for allergy patients

** Increase immune system support against local allergens.

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