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Hypophosphatemia in Cattle , Post parturient hemoglobinuria

Hypophosphatemia in Cattle , Post parturient hemoglobinuria 

 It is a disease of cattle especially after parturition few days or in late pregnancy .

Causes of Hypophosphatemia :

decrease in Phosphorous levels in blood or increase calcium levels in blood serum.

Signs of Hypophosphatemia :

1-  Brownish or dark red colored urine .

2- Off food .

3- Weakness and sudden drop in milk production .

4- Severe anemia " Pale Mucus membranes in Vulva ,eye and muzzle "

5- dullness of the animal 

diagnosis  of Hypophosphatemia :

1- Signs .

2- Measuring phosphorus levels in Blood .

Treatment of Hypophosphatemia :

1 - Blood transfusion is the fastest and best treatment .

2- Phosphorus  preparations for injction and oral .

3- Multivitmamins injection .

4- Magnesuim salts in feeding 

Prevention  Of  Hypophosphatemia :

Addition of phosphorus to animal food .

Offering animal phosphorus rich food as "bran , or bone meal "

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