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How Rabies can be transmitted from an infected Animal to Human

 Rabies is a Viral nervous disease that can can be transmitted from infected animal to man by Biting or Scratch or Contact with the Saliva of the infected animal .

How can rabies be transmitted

Animals that can transmit Rabies to human :

1- Dogs and Cats .

2- Bats, Beaver ,coyotes ,Foxes , Monkey,  Raccoon , Skunk and Marmot.

3- Cows, Ferret, Goats and Horses.

4- In a very rare cases, the virus was transmitted to tissue or organ transplant recipients from an infected organ.

How Rabies can infect  human ? 
Rabies is transmitted by contacting with the saliva of a sick animal with a cut or scratch on human skin or healthy mucous membranes in the eyes, nose or mouth. This occurs through:

1- Biting where the animal's teeth cause a wound that is touched by the saliva in the mouth
2- Scratching the animal's claws, as it is often contaminated with animal saliva and the microbes present in it, including the rabies virus
3- Licking on cuts or places with abrasions or previous open wounds in the skin.
4- Saliva reaches the eyes or mouth, where it touches the mucous membranes of the body.

What can u do i case of biting by animal ?
1- Ask medical help .
2- disinfect site of the bite .
3- Shots of Rabies vaccine and Human rabies IG .

How can i prevent myself from Rabies ?

To reduce the risk of contact with rabid animals:

1- Animal Rabies Vaccination : Give the vaccine to your pets. The vaccine can be given to cats, dogs, and rodents to protect them from rabies. Ask your vet about the recommended rate of vaccinating animals.
2- Keep your pets confined and watch them when they go out. This helps protect them from contact with wild animals.
3- Protect small pets from predators. Keep rabbits and other small pets, such as guinea pigs, indoors or in cages that protect them from wild animals, because these small pets cannot be vaccinated against rabies.
4- Report stray animals to local authorities. Contact local animal control officials or other law enforcement officials in your area to report stray dogs and cats.
5- Do not approach wild animals. Wild animals infected with rabies do not fear people. It is not normal for a wild animal to be friendly with people, so you should stay away from any animal that does not appear fearful.
6- Keep bats away from your home. Seal any cracks or gaps where bats can sneak into the home. If you know you have bats in your home, consult with an expert in your area to come up with a way to keep them out of the house.
7- Consider getting vaccinated for rabies if you travel or are close to animals with suspected rabies. If you are planning to travel to a country where rabies is common and will be there for a long time, ask your doctor whether you should receive the rabies vaccine. This includes travel to remote areas where access to medical care is difficult.
8- If you work as a veterinarian or work in a lab that contains the rabies virus, you should receive the rabies vaccine.

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