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How can You stop Your Pet From peeing in Your Room ??

Cat owner Complaint :

So 1 of my 4 cats is peeing in the same corner every night for a few weeks now 😡🙄 I’ve tried cleaning the area with bleach to get rid of smell but he keeps going along the same wall. I knew I installed hardwood floors for a reason yrs ago 😃👊🏻❤️😁 I’ve tried blocking the area with towels and blankets but that only worked for so long & then he started going on the blankets & towels. So now I’m down to puppy pads to help with cleanup. Every time he goes to vet he is diagnosed with UTI but all medics either make him worse or don’t help at all. I’ve tried over the counter stuff too with no results. He also has FHS but not diagnosed by a vet or on any medics. He gets wet & dry food & plenty of treats wet & dry. Any suggestions on how to get it to stop?

Tips and advises :

  • Have you tried cleaning the area with vinegar? Sometimes that can cover up the scent so they stop going potty in unfavourable spots.

  • Has the vet done an ultrasound or X-ray for stones and urinalysis for crystals?

  • Cleaning it with bleach makes it worse. It does not cover the smell so they continue to go where they have marked.

  • the bleach contains ammonia and so does their pee so doesn’t remove the smell. Bicarbonate of Soda and White Vinegar should remove it.
  • He may need a science diet food that helps with crystals if they meds don't work.
  • Have you tried Nature's Miracle cleaner or Kids and Pets stain and odor remover? You can find both at walmart foe $5-$10.

  • Start adding apple cider vinager to his water, get him a water fountain, and include more high quality wet food in his diet.
  • If he has a UTI every vet visit then he's not drinking enough. Feed less dry and more wet. He wont starve himself.

  • Add the apple cider vinager to the water and close the toilet lid.
  • Get rid of the dry food. It took a few days for my cat to get used to just wet food.
  • close the toilet lid, make sure he’s drinking enough water and just give him wet food
  • the amount of bacteria that would be in a toilet is probably insanely unhealthy for the cat
  • and it’s the cat that is constantly drinking from the toilet that has the infections and is peeing everywhere.. I’m just saying it is very well a possibility. An animal should not be drinking the water that humans pee and poop in.. that’s just beyond gross and unhealthy.
  • If he isn’t fixed, that could also be a reason why he’s peeing everywhere
  • not to mention the chemicals used such as chlorine.
  • UTI is caused by pH of urine not being enough acid to repel bacteria. Try about 100-150 mg of vitamin c ( ester C comes in capsules, I would open them and divide into doses in another empty capsule) for couple weeks and it may help clear it.
  • Similar idea to cranberry juice therapy for women.
  • Spray lavender oil dilated with water on the spot he pees, get rid of the dry food. It's high in phosphorus and can give medical issues long term.
  • a lot of the problem is probably the dry food. Dry food on its own is insanely unhealthy for cats. You need to get rid of the dry food and start feeding him wet. I can almost guarantee his UTIs will stop after that, and hopefully him peeing everywhere would stop too. The peeing everywhere could very well be because of his UTIs and he can’t make it to the litter box or what not.
  • o you have mice or bugs of any kind that could be under the floor? Reason I ask is my cats will pee if we get mice. Try a Felaway plug in calming diffuser. It helps.
  • Get a cheap little litter box and put it over there. That’s what Jackson Galaxy usually recommends.
  • We had to banish one of our cats from the areas in which he kept peeing. It seems to have worked.
  • You need an enzymatic cleaner not bleach.
  • What canned foods are you feeding? I bet one of the ingredients in the food is - carrageenan, guar gum, xanthan gum, vegetable gum, agar agar, or tapioca starch? These are all inflamatories and create UTI and IBD symptoms, my cat Montana has the exact same symptoms if she ingests any of these. She appears to have UTI symptoms and the one time I took her for a test, thinking it really was an infection, the test was "inconclusive". I put her on a 100% raw food healthy diet and the very next day she was better. And there are terrible ingredients in dry that can cause this too - by products, soy, corn, rice, and wheat are the most common.
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