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How to Pill your CAT - Tips and advises Guaranteed 100 %

How to Pill your CAT - Tips and advises Guaranteed 100 %

1- You can use Pill shooter
2- You gently kinda just open their mouth, put the pill in there, and then gently hold their mouth shut with one hand and petting their throat with the other until you feel them swallow

3- Pill pockets are very successful.
4- Pill gun. The pill gun lets you get it all the way down his throat where they can’t do that. It’s far less traumatic for them than forcing it with your hand and giving them water to force them to swallow. My cat nearly drowned. Now it takes less than a minute and he loves me after five minutes of sulking.

5- Straight down the hatch
6- Use Pill Pockets, it makes life much simpler.
7- Cat burrito then open its mouth pushing there skin under the teeth a bit because then they don’t tend to bite because they will bite themselves pop the pill in there mouth and blow on there face which makes them swallow.

8- Easy cheese 

get a pill shooter on amazon. They work great. So much less hassle.

If you can crush it and put it in stinky fish canned food, they wont even know it's there and wont be the stress of catching and holding them. You don't want to feed fish to cats too often, but to pill, it can make things much easier.

Does your cat claw or bite? My one cat was very skittish but he still became paralyzed with a light scruff and stretch. All I had to do for him for a pill was a light scruff and stretch, hold pill in my thumb and pointer and use my middle finger to opnHis mouth. Then practically shove it to the back of the throat and hold him there a few seconds to make sure it's swallowed. Some people massage the throat a tiny bit with a finger to help after. My vet says cats have a natural swallowing reaction to the back of the throat so if it's far enough back in the middle they have to swallow.

If your cat likes to bite or claw you you can try bagging or toweling them. Using a towel swaddle the cat into like a burrito and then continue to do the steps go open the mouth, middle of the throat, etc. If it's still too dangerous for with either of you, you may need a vet to assist you or to see if other methods are available.

Us a pill popper

Put it in a peice of human food. Cheese, lunch meat, ect.

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