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Canary Intestinal Infections : Diagnosis , Signs and Treatment

Intestinal infections in the Canary

Intestinal inflammation in the Canary is one of the most dangerous and serious diseases that affect the Canary and cause great losses to the breeders.

Intestinal infections are divided into two parts : 
1 - Acute gastrointestinal infections characterized by the wide spreading and birds become idle and non-response to drugs and rapid death.

2 - Chronic gastrointestinal infections characterized by the adaptation of the bird with its symptoms ,lethargy ,loss of appetite ,loss away from the birds in the cage and be covered fluffy feathers, especially the head area and death occurs after a long period of time.

The color of the stool is one of the most important signs of the presence of intestinal infections and you have to take a look in the morning every day on the ground cage to detect the presence of intestinal infections in birds.

First, for example, the color of the stool changes to green, white, yellow, or transparent water.

The presence of these colors of feces is a sign of the existence of an intestinal problem in birds and therefore the successful breeder pay attention fast and knowledge of the bird infected so as not to spread the infection among other birds as most diseases of the digestive system in birds are infectious diseases and rapid spread occurs by excretions of the infected birds . 

Diagnosis of the disease : 

1 - Signs :  symptoms of the bird drain and feathers and thus it will be easy to know the bird infected and isolated .

2 - Puffing on the abdomen by holding the bird by hand reverse the direction of your body and the method used by all educators to remove the feathers from the abdomen and thus gives you a clear vision of the infection and size
 If the inflammation is strong, we will see discoloration of the abdomen with the presence of wet excretions in the back, Bluish discoloration of the back indicates severe infection  

3-color stool gives some important signs of the type of infection :   (this if we do not resort to laboratory tests to determine the type of microbe)

Green, for example, is a marker of E-Coli infections .

Either white or yellow gives us symptoms of salmonella and it is considered an acute injury

The color of syphilis gives us a distinctive sign of the disease of coccidia for the color white sediment without diarrhea shows us the presence of infections in the kidney as a result of deposits of ammonia from the membranes of the internal kidney and in the presence of this type of stool is recommended not to use sulfa as the use will lead to kidney failure and bird death

Early diagnosis of the disease helps greatly in the treatment of birds, as the longer the bird extends the infection to other areas of the intestine, which leads to the difficulty of absorption of drugs and not to benefit from treatment

There is a wide range of medicines available in all local markets as :  Ampacillin, Neomycin, Gentamycin, Enrofloxacin ,

Colistin works on the digestive system, especially in cases where the color of yellow and white water is yellow

In cases of coccidiosis where the color of the stool is floral or redish, it is preferable to use sulpha compounds, taking into account that the kidneys are free erom infections. For example, sulfa-quinoxaline with triethyramide is compounded and preferably given for five consecutive days. After treatment, two days of carbonate One gram per liter .

In cases of white fecal stools we should give the bird carbonate the same concentration and one gram per liter for three days without giving any other treatment or vitamins to reduce the pressure on the kidney and remove the internal deposits in it .

Note In cases of chronic gastrointestinal inflammation weaken the bird and reduce the chest muscle as a result of loss of appetite and the difficulty of absorbing the important items of food from the intestines and weakness of the chest muscle, which is called emaciation .
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