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A Guide to Pregnancy In cats : Signs , Time , How to manage and what to do

Signs of pregnancy in cats

Many cat breeders wonder how I know my cat is pregnant. There are several signs known to cats breeders that are obvious signs and do not require much experience. In this article, we will show you these signs for all cat lovers.

At what age can my cat become pregnant?

Some cats are ready to mate at the age of 7 months and sometimes 4 months, as in Burmese cats or some Siamese species. They may also get pregnant this age, but there is a risk to them, as they are very small and may tire a lot of pregnancy and need great care. Her attention is greater in this period.
All this is known to the breeder when it comes to the maturity of the cat .. It is her desire to mating.

What are the signs of pregnancy in cats?

1- The first signs will be in the breast area .. You will find that this area has become more red and expanded patches .. This is evidence that her body began to change to be able to breastfeed their young.
2 - At the level of relationship with you will find your cat became more attractive and always try to attract your attention and try to gain your analysis.
3 - Appetizers also will be open significantly and you will find the cat eat anything .. Here the body needs more food.
4- As pregnancy progresses, you will find that your cat has started nesting behavior and is exploring the appropriate places to give birth.
5- After 22 days of pregnancy you can go to the vet to reveal the embryos with ultrasound.
6- Abdominal swelling and weight gain will be noticeable after the fourth week.

How long is the pregnancy period in cats ?

Average cat pregnancy period of 65 days .. You can save them easily .. Where the human pregnancy 9 months .. And carry the cat 9 weeks .

How do I know she will give birth soon?

There are several signs that the date of birth is approaching:

1- Before the date of delivery by nearly three days .. You will find that the cat breasts began to grow larger and produce milk.
2- Low temperature of the cat.
3- Decrease in appetite.
4- You will find it does not calm down and start nesting and searching for the place of birth seriously.
5- You will find that she became more affectionate than the previous and follow you from room to room and be tense and not reassuring and here comes your role in comfort and give the necessary tenderness.
6- You may also start with the reptile and the breath and the saliva and rapid breathing
7- On the day of birth you will find that she suffers from vaginal secretions and cramps ..

Thanks ..........
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