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How to Pet a Dog :

Start With a Proper Greeting

It is the main Rule and the  most important to pet a dog
Instead of reaching out and touching your dog, let him first contact you by squatting down to be closer to his level; with a reserved or fearful dog, you can turn your body to the side to be less threatening for him. and while dealing with a confident dog, you can invite him to approach you by bending over slightly, patting your legs and backing up while coaxing with your voice.

Ready, Set, Pet

Signs of Friendly Dog When Approaching to you  :

-The ears held back slightly 
- His tail held out at medium height behind him
- wide sweeping wag. 
- Sniffing your body to gather information about you .
 not necessarily inviting you to pet him. 

Signs of unfriendly Dog :

- while Approaching might backs away .
Body posture might be  loose, wiggly with relaxed eyes and mouth
- May act in a jumpy way 
- brief eye contact 

Best Spots to Pet

- Chest , shoulders and base of the neck are the best places to pet your dog 
- Pet your dog from the side 
- Some dogs like petting in these areas : base of the tail, under the chin or on the back of the neck where the collar hits.
- Slow petting " Massage gentle " can calm the dog . 

Petting Don’ts

- some small children pet dogs. 
- Slapping is hatred by some dogs and can make them more aggressive 
- Rough , fast or strong petting might make your dog angry 
avoid petting a dog who is lying on his back in a greeting or playful situation.
- avoid kissing or hard hugging the dog 
- Avoid petting chained up dogs or behind barrier 

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