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Ringworms in Dogs : Definition , Diagnosis and Treatment


Ringworm is caused by  a fungus that  infect the skin, hair and nails. And it is a very cinfectious disease may lead to patchy areas of hair loss on a dog and may spread to other animals and to humans,also.

Ringworm Symptoms:

  • Skin patches appear on the head, paws, ears and forelimbs.
  • Ringworm can be   circular ,crusted or patchy bald spots that look red in the center
  • In mild cases, there may be just a few broken hairs in small areas of the body, while bad cases can spread in larger area of a dog’s body.
  • Some pets can carry the fungus and do not show any clinical visible symptoms .

Dogs More susceptible to Ringworm: 
  • Puppies less than a year old are most susceptible to infection than adult ones
  • Malnourished, immunocompromised , weak and stressed dogs are also at a greater risk.
  • Ringworm can  spread quickly in kennels, shelters and other humid places where there are many dogs in a close environment.
Diagnosing of  Ringworm :

In case of appearance of any skin sign disease show it immediately to the veterinarian .
  • It can be diagnosed by clinical signs of the baldy circular skin area with hear loss and also by radiography or ultraviolet .
Treating Ringworm :

  • Treatment of Ringworms depends on the severity of the disease 
  • A veterinarian may adivse you to use  a shampoo or ointment that contains anti fungal chemicals  to kill the fungus.
  • In some cases, oral medications of anti fungal drugs are necessary.
  • It is important to treat your dog for as long as recommended by your veterinarian and treatment may be continuous for 2 or 3 months .
  • Reinfection may occur in some cases
  • You hadve to minimize spread of infection among your pets and this can be done by :
  • Bathe all your pets  with a medicated rinse or antifungal shampoo.
  • Wash the infected animals’ bedding and toys with a strong disinfectant that kills ringworm spores.
  • Discard items that can not be disinfected (carpeted cat trees, etc.)
  • Frequently vacuum to get rid of   infected hairs and skin cells. (Yes, the fungus can survive on hair and skin that your dog sheds!)
  • Washing hands thoroughly after touching or handling your pet .
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