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Cat Diarrhea :Causes, Management and Treatment

Cat Diarrhea :Causes, Management and Treatment 

Treatment of Cat Diarrhea

    - A lot of us is upset when your cat have  diarrhea, but not enough to be disturbed as long as the cat is still active and his health is good ,even in sometimes treatment of  diarrhea without going to a doctor by changing the quality of food or the use of some simple medicines, but if diarrhea  continued to you had to refer veterinarian  advise , especially if diarrhea  was accompanied with loss of weight, vomiting and persistent diarrhea as it can lead to dehydration and can be caused by parasites or bacteria.

Ok ,When we treat diarrhea?

1) Change in diet:

     Many cats prefer canned foods or dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt, yogurt, but food may be the cause of diarrhea. This is the case if your cat is eating food, it is necessary to stop it immediately and replace it with a vegetable syrup and food containing rice in the form of cirrillic, But food is a reliable source and is a trademark in the case of the Dairy.

2) Water:

    Water must be periodically supplied to the cat because it is exposed to drought due to diarrhea.

3) Natural dietary supplements:

   You can find  them in pharmacies, either capsules or powder and prefer food supplements that contain wheat or peony, "Oud wind" and very useful in the case of drought and violin kills the microbes and parasites or products which contain more vitamin D found in abundance Pharmacies.

4) Veterinary care:

   They resorted to cold and dry water


It is used to treat diarrhea and dehydration

   By half the bag in 1 and a half cm of water and scarring Ques is sterile syringe and of course the needle and the air in it and put the syringe in the mouth of the cat comfortably, and you catch the cat and make sure that the medicine swallowed half of the bag and half the morning after the night .


It is an antinal drink

The dose
One and every 8 hours (in case of severe diarrhea) first 36 hours and after every 12 hours

A time of 48 hours and if diarrhea stop at the same day

"Drought Solution"

    Rich in minerals is very important because the cat does not have a dryness, especially if wet

The dose
Scars of a bag in a cup of 200 ml Miele means the same size of the small peppermint zigzag and its zigzag from each mole means one mullet and each quarter of an hour or half as accepted by the cat has 2 cm
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